If you don’t go after what you’re born to do, you’ll end up doing things that you hate to do. Seek God for your purpose, so your life can be fulfilling! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 15, 2020
You can’t eat a dozen jelly donuts every day & expect to get a 6-pack abs. Well, you can’t eat negativity & expect your mind to not be affected. Be aware of what others are trying to serve your spirit. See, some folks like their drama & foolishness & will try to give you a to-go- plate to spread their toxic environment to yours. DON’T TAKE THAT DOGGY BAG! Guard your mind from anything that’s unhealthy. God will show you His menu to feed your body, mind & soul to help you keep your peace. No longer feel like you have to take what folks give you. Remember, you choose the plate for your mental & spiritual health. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 14, 2020
If God didn’t bring up your past, why are you? Stop allowing your past mistakes to be an excuse to beat yourself up or make you feel disqualified for God’s forgiveness. Instead of accepting what satan is telling you, remember what God said, “Go in peace & sin no more!” Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 13, 2020
The biggest fight you’ll have is the one that you’re expected to lose but you win! So, don’t be afraid or intimidated by what you’re dealing with. Even if folks are betting against you, still show up for the fight & don’t give up. As long as God is in your corner, your enemies will leave the area disappointed by your victory! Remember, if God is for you, He’s more than the world against you! #You’re NOT Alone in This! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 12, 2020
Hurt can’t heal unless it’s exposed to the Son! No matter how long you’ve been holding on to it, you can’t fix it. Give it to Jesus & let Him work it out! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 11, 2020
Somebody NEEDS to hear this RIGHT NOW!
If God didn’t tell you to do it, DON’T DO IT! Don’t let an emotional decision make you deal with consequences you’ll regret. Talk to God & WAIT for His response. Remember, that quick decision may be quicksand for your blessing! #Wait! WAIT! WAAIITTT ON GOD! He has a BETTER Offer! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 10, 2020
May God remove your worries, your anxieties, your stress & your fears. I know this thing is heavy on you, BUT don’t allow satan to make you feel powerless. Know that God will NEVER allow you to face something WITHOUT putting the weapons to fight in your hands. God already told you that He would never leave or abandoned you. Know who you are & who you belong to. Remember, the fight you’re in is fixed, so go in the Strength of God, because victory is already yours! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater