Day: June 22, 2020

Daily Devotion for June 22, 2020

Somebody NEEDS to hear this!
Stop giving your parachute to people who are pushing you out the plane. It’s time you watch those folks you’re trying to help! Some of those same folks you’re trying to help, are waiting until you’re vulnerable to use the mess out of you. Sure, everybody have hard times, BUT some folks are causing their own hardship & will drag you down into their mess & won’t pull you out when they become free. Be prayerful, use wisdom, & start examining the folks you’re trying to be Captain Save Ya to. Remember, your blessings may be delayed because you’re wasting what you got to help those who CAN help themselves! #Be a WISER Steward & DON’T accept every “sad” story! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater