Month: April 2020

Daily Devotion for April 10, 2020

Those who are successful once experienced failure, those who have peace once experienced conflict, those who are healed once experienced pain, those who are in love once experienced heartbreak or disappointment. No matter how low things may be going for you, DON’T GIVE UP BEFORE YOUR CHANGE COMES! The devil always suggest that you give up based upon your current conditions. He tries to make you mentally fatigued & make you think that it will always be like this. Know that the darkest hour is just before DAWN! God will move if you hold on. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for April 9, 2020

If you want to know what God can do, look at what He had ALREADY done. You may be dealing with a different problem but the SAME God! He’s the ALL PURPOSE, ALL KNOWING, ALL POWERFUL TRUE & LIVING GOD! #Copy & paste God to your current situation! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for April 8, 2020

You may get people’s opinions or advice but what did God tell you? I know the decision you are making is crucial, but you MUST get your answer straight from God. satan will make you become fearful or make your afraid to make you decision, BUT God ALREADY gave you the assurance that He will guide you on what to do, how to do it & when to do it. You’re inexperience will NOT qualify you from moving forward. God got you! Don’t be so dependent on other that it causes you to be independent from God. Remember, what people think is no match to what God KNOWS! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for April 7, 2020

May the power of God relieve your mind from dwelling on the negative, accepting bad treatments from others or focusing on your past. No longer live on Back Street when God had relocated you to Front Street! ConFRONT everything with FORGIVENESS from God & FORGIVENESS to YOURSELF! Soon, you’ll realize that how people treated you was NOT how God sees you! Although, folks may treat you like the black sheep, remember you still belong to The Good Shepherd… God Almighty! #Don’t worry about negative folks! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater