Month: March 2020

Daily Devotion for March 12, 2020

Men! The problems we avoid to FACE in our lives, are the problems that will CHASE us throughout our lives! See, the devil’s plan is to infect the man (the head of the family), so he could have ACCESS to contaminate the family. Good or bad, men have a great influence on their families (especially their kids). Ask God for the strength to deal with whatever issues you’re dealing with, so it won’t become an issue. Take a stand against the devil by being real & transparent with God & yourself. Remember, if you be REAL with God, He will be FORREAL WITH YOU! #Do it for the sake of your family! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for March 8, 2020

When you focus on your problem more than God, you make a god out of your problem, & God becomes your problem, because He’s not moving fast enough or it seems like He doesn’t care. Always keep things in the right perspective! God is bigger & more powerful than what you’re experiencing now. Just because you don’t see (immediate) change, doesn’t mean that God ain’t active behind the scene! Listen! The 1st sign that God is about to move, is when satan brings discouragement to make you (or your faith) move. Don’t give up because of what you’re going through. Remember, your problem is not an opposition but an OPPORTUNITY for God to move mightily in your life! #Let’s Get Ready for Church! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for March 7, 2020

When a person is truly blessed, their name will be well spoken of. Anytime that person’s name is mentioned, their positive attributes, their good character, even stories of how much of a blessing they are will be discussed. But as valuable as a blessed person is to others, they MUST be careful NOT to personally intermingle with an unblessed person. Sometimes a blessed person may have a good heart to help people, BUT it’s that SAME HEART that they use to make BAD DECISIONS to befriend, date or even marry! That’s why you can’t depend upon your heart to make your heart decisions. You have to use the wisdom of God. God will show you red flags, that person’s true character & lies that person tried to hide. As good of a person you are, understand that EVERYBODY AIN’T YOUR ASSIGNMENT & there are people who are NO GOOD FOR YOU! There are people satan will place in your path to rob you or derail you from God’s purpose for your life. Understand that bad character WILL CORRUPT a good person’s character & name. Don’t allow everybody who welcomes you into their life, be welcomed into your heart. Remember, Ministry & Marriage both begins with a “M” but they lead to different destinations. #You Maybe an Asset to Them BUT They’re a Liability to YOU! #WAKEUP! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater