Month: February 2020

Daily Devotion for February 24, 2020

PEACE is NOT going to come when everything is peaceful. PEACE comes in the midst of hell, conflict, war. See, PEACE is created when you give that situation to God & you choose not to respond to foolishness. Peace comes ONLY from God & when you put your problem in His hands, in exchange, He will put His peace in your hands! Don’t look at what you’re dealing with as a problem, but look at it as an OPPORTUNITY for God to intervene to interrupt what you’re facing! Remember, you will either turn your face to God or face jail time! Choose God & give it to Him! #May the Peace of God that surpasses ALL UNDERSTANDINGS (& MISUNDERSTANDINGS) guard your heart & mind in Christ Jesus RIGHT NOW, in Jesus’ Name…AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 22, 2020

After you’ve finished shopping, if you can hold on to your receipt in the midst of the storms & rain, you can hold on to your FAITH in the midst of your storms & rain. Your FAITH is your PROOF of Purchase that was PAID by Jesus Christ! Don’t let the devil (or anybody else talk you out of what’s RIGHTFULLY YOURS! Remember, Jesus calmed that storm & He’ll calm yours! #PEACE, BE STILL! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 21, 2020

If a frog, cricket, & kangaroo use their legs to leap to where they need to be, why are you not using your FAITH to leap to where you need to be? See, your FAITH is your Spiritual legs & the obstacles you faced in your life was to strengthen your spiritual muscles to jump higher than what you were use to. Don’t allow any fears, past failures, bad experiences or negative minded folks stop you from the task God ALREADY equipped you for. That season of repair was only getting you PREPARED! Stop waiting for everything to be perfect before you make a move. Your LEAP of FAITH starts with a will to JUMP RIGHT NOW! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 20, 2020

If the conversations you’re listening to is NOT spiritually edifying you, then it will spiritually starve you. See, what you’ll listen to has a DIRECT ACCESS to your soul (the place of your thoughts, will, emotions & spirit). Your soul trusts you to feed it with Godly nourishment that will help it grow & get closer to God. That’s why satan will “try to” send folks who will talk about gossip, lies, drama or any other foolishness to get your attention to lose focus or make you react out of character. Guard your purpose by guarding your ears from anything that will pull you away from God & your purpose in Him. No longer allow verbal junkfood to get you out of spiritual shape. Remember, what your ears digest will promote or hinder your process. #Watch Who You’re Listening To! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 19, 2020

Imagine living on the last house on a street & every night each house on your street was broken in to in order & tonight your house is expected to have the break-in. What would you do? Will you have a proactive approach to prevent the break-in or will you do nothing & allow it to happen to you because it happened to everybody else on your street? Just because it happened to others does NOT mean you should allow it to you. The pattern that it happened to others should make you aware of what’s going on & give you a method to prevent it from happening to you. The same thing is true about the generational patterns in your family. Listen, just because big mama, your mama & your great grandmama had dysfunctional relationships, doesn’t mean you should accept one yourself LOOK!. Somebody got to break those bad cycles & generational curses in your family! Regardless if it’s toxic relationships, drug using, teenage pregnancy, jail going, etc, start looking at patterns in your family closely, acknowledge them, learn from them & work on proactive steps to STOP IT FROM PASSING DOWN TO YOU. Set a NEW standard for yourself & your family & show them that each person have their own choice to make! And don’t feel bad or let somebody make you feel like you’re crazy because you want BETTER for your life! Start now with what you want out of life & go for it. Remember, what you don’t stop WILL TO YOU! #STOP THE STEPS & REVERSE THE CURSE!! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 18, 2020

Although you were a convicted sinner facing a life sentence without parole, Jesus Christ came to take the wrap for you, freed you & give you a NEW BEGINNING! Don’t allow your past to keep you stuck from the NEW LIFE in the present. Your old you is NOT a cold case, but a CLOSED CASE! Why are you trying to REOPEN your case when the Blood of Jesus sealed the case? Walk in the freedom Jesus gave you, knowing that you’ve been exonerated of ALL CHARGES! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater