Put an END in relationships that treat you COLD! Remember, when you put an N on ICE cold relationships, your life will become NICE! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 7, 2020
This morning, God was telling me that His people needs to SEEK Him NOW LIKE NEVER BEFORE! Your purpose, your identity, your security, your peace, your joy & everything else you’re looking for is ONLY in Him! Don’t allow the world’s situations or your current condition to put you in fear or panic mode…… GOD IS STILL ABLE, HE REIGNS & IS STILL ON THE THROWN! Keep your FOCUS & TRUST in Him! He will carry you through! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 6, 2020
No situation known to man is unknown to God! As much as you may want to deal with it yourself, LET GOD HANDLE IT! #GIVE ALL OF IT TO HIM! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 5, 2020
Whatever that may be troubling you, stressing you or worrying about, think about why (of ALL days) it’s on you the hardest on TODAY? Because the devil wants to use it as a distraction to discourage you from trusting God or going to church! See, the devil knows that you’re looking for a WORD (or Move) from God. And if you get it, you’re going to do something about it! Don’t allow the devil or your situation make you miss what you’ve been looking for. Remember, God got it, so GO GET IT! #GET READY FOR CHURCH! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 4, 2020
Be careful when a person always tell you they want to have Bible study with you but their lifestyle is horrible. Sometimes their motive isn’t pure, but to control you or mislead you to their “philosophy” about God or life (or both). Their focus is more about THEM & less about the True & Living God! They will twist Scriptures to use out of context to justify their behavior or beliefs! LISTEN! DON’T BE FOOLED! God will alert you who & how that person REALLY is. That’s why you feel an uneasiness in your stomach (in your soul), you’re more confused now than before, & you don’t feel (the God’s kind of) peace about things. Examine not only what that person says, but what that person PRACTICE! Talk to God (DIRECTLY) about everything. He will reveal THINGS about that person (BUT YOU GOT TO BE WILLING TO ACCEPT TRUTH)! No longer let folks control you or make you think that you can’t go to God without them. Jesus is the ONLY access & He Himself paid for the entry fee! The next time people want to question you or challenge you about your Faith, watch now! Remember, the most effective way in teaching Bible Study is NOT what a person says, but what that person LIVE! #Be Aware of Spiritual Bullies! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 3, 2020
When you give God an IMMEDIATE Obedience, God will give you IMMEDIATE RESULTS! You think the devil is blocking your blessings? NAW…. IT’S YOU! The ONLY way to fulfill your purpose is COMPLETE obedience (& surrenderance) to God! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 2, 2020
If marriage is a marathon instead of a sprint, then why are you dating folks who got on dress shoes instead of jogging shoes? Quit dating these folks who ain’t dressed for the track! If God, love, commitment & respect ain’t in them, they ain’t qualified for the meet & you can’t put it in them either. Ask God to help you to TRUST HIM & WAIT for that running mate He sends who will be by your side. Remember, the one God has planned for you IS BUILT FOR THE LONG HAUL!#Wait for Team US! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater