The more you stress on how God is gonna work it out, the more you’ll miss when God works it out! Keep your focus on God & leave all the “details” to Him. Remember, He got all the tools, YOU DON’T! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 8, 2019
Mark 5:25-34, tells the powerful story of the woman with the issue of blood. It has ministered & encouraged many throughout the years. But imagine speaking to her face to face about her experience & how Jesus healed her & made her whole (restoring her of everything she lost). That would have a greater impact on many people. Although no one can talk to her directly, but they can talk to you. See, what you’re dealing with, the devil wants you to feel defeated or feel like the Lord doesn’t hear your prayer. Do the same thing that the woman with the issue of blood did…SPEAK what you’re claiming, PRESS based on what you said,& DON’T GIVE UP until Jesus response! Remember, the same encouragement the story of woman with the issue of blood gives you, you are being an encouragement to many others & God will send someone to encourage you.. FACE TO FACE! #The Same God that Did it for Her, that Did it Others, WILL DO IT FOR YOU! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 7, 2019
You will not see a lifeguard jump into the sea without a lifejacket trying to save a drowning person. The same is true about matters of the heart. Regardless if they’re friends or family, you can’t protect someone’s heart while leaving your heart exposed. You will leave yourself damaged or downed in the sea of love. As God send His rescue team, ask Him to keep you at shore! Remember, sometimes you have to LOVE from a distance so you won’t lose yourself in the waves! #LET JESUS BE YOUR ANCHOR! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 6, 2019
In order to achieve any goal, you MUST do the 1st 2 letters of the word goal…GO! Don’t allow fear or insecurities to make you question what God had already told you. Many folks miss their opportunities because they’re waiting on somebody’s approval or help. Listen! God didn’t give the vision to Y’ALL, He gave it to YOU! No matter how you complain or cry about it, God ain’t moved by your tears, He’s moved by your SWEAT! 2 Peter 1:3 tell you that God already gave you EVERYTHING pertaining to life & Godly. So stop being scared or lazy & remember God ain’t gonna put it in your mouth, He’ll put it in your reach! #Get Up & Get What’s Yours! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 5, 2019
Why pursue a RELATIONSHIP with someone you know they don’t RELATE to your Captain? Giving them access on the ship will cause much damages to your heart. Trust the Captain (God Almighty) to show you who’s qualified (& who ain’t qualified) for your heart. Remember, your heart is for a Life JOURNEY not a MISSION TRIP, so stop allowing your “ship” to be used by “friends with benefits”! #Your Ship is for Qualified LONG TERM Applicants Only! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 4, 2019
One of the frustrating times you could have in your life is to hate where you’re at, but too scared to move from where you’re at. Those times will make you feel stuck & unsure of what to do. Then someone may tell you to use “Blind Faith” (which there’s no such thing). See, where God wants you, you MUST have your SPIRITUAL EYES WIDE OPEN to see a place you’ve never been & go where He birthed you for. Now the devil will try to make you impatient & make decisions that you’ll end up regretting. That’s why this is the perfect time for you to really talk to God, fast, be in prayer & do your part in being prepared for when God tells you where & when to make your move. Don’t let that FRUSTRATION drive you crazy, but let it drive you to Jesus & let Him take the wheels! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 3, 2019
Worrying brings the worse out of you but trusting God brings the best out of you. Don’t allow things (or people) to move you from trusting God to trusting your own abilities. Listen! Keep things (& people) within the boundaries God had put them in. Know that God will not give you an assignment without giving you instructions on how to handle it, so it doesn’t burn you out or overwhelm you. Seek God to see if you’re doing things His way or your way. Remember, you ain’t God in it, so leave you (& your emotions) out of it & let God handle it! #Stay Save to Stay Sane! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 2, 2019
May your private prayers produce public results! In Jesus’ Name… AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 1, 2019
Praise God like your breakthrough depends on it! #Praise Break for Your Break Out! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater