Month: November 2019

Daily Devotion for November 7, 2019

The people that God places in your life will complete your purpose, not compete with it. Sometimes you allow yourself to be disappointed when those around you does not support for you. Listen! Just because you’re cheering for them does NOT mean that they will be cheering for you. True, in your face, they’ll smile & say they’re with you but behind your back, they are secret haters assassinating your character, jealous of your success & frustrated that you are blessed instead of them. Don’t take it personal if God exposes someone who was close to you. Regardless if it’s within your friendship, relationships or even ministry, don’t take it personal if God exposes someone who was close to you. Next time, be prayerful in choosing people who is God sent or if they’re illegally trespassing! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 6, 2019

If God ain’t in it, STAY OUT OF IT! Don’t fall for trying to fix or change something (or someone) that God did not approve of! Wait on God for the things (or people) you desire because He is protecting you from a situation that you may end up regretting! Remember, you don’t know what God knows. So if God ain’t invited, DON’T ATTEND! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 5, 2019

If someone wants you as their Option B, then C them to the door! Stop allowing yourself to be in a relationship that’s less than what God desires for you! True love is when they treat you with respect, they see your worth through God’s eyes, they bring the best out of you, prays for you, sacrifice for you & commit to you & you alone! If you’re with someone who doesn’t want to make the decision to (exclusively) be with you, then… YOU MAKE THAT DECISION FOR THEM & LEAVE THEM ALONE (COMPLETELY)! Stop fooling yourself thinking that you sticking around will make them promote you from a side meal to an entree. Remember, the one God has for you will see you as the ONLY ONE ON THE MENU! #Your Happy Mate Chose Their Happy Meal! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 4, 2019

Just because you love those who don’t like you doesn’t mean that you have to deal with those who don’t like you. Listen! Stop trying to break your neck to please people. You letting folks (who don’t even care about you) use you & walk over you? Wake up & smell the burnt coffee! Let people be who they are! You just make sure that you’re not holding on to unforgiveness or anything else that could make you miss your blessings or contaminate your spirit. Allow God to deal with them & their attitude. Pray for them & ask God to protect your heart as you deal with the transition! Remember, let them do their way, but you do God’s Way! #Love from a Distance! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 3, 2019

Your Salvation is NOT based upon how you feel or what you’re dealing with! Shoots! There are days that WE ALL may “feel like” we ain’t saved! That’s why you don’t go by your feelings or emotions. You go by what God’s Word says! Romans 10:9-10, If you shall CONFESS with your MOUTH & BELIEVE in your HEART (Your inner man) that God raised Jesus from the dead, YOU SHALL BE SAVED! For with the HEART man BELIEVES unto RIGHTEOUSNESS (Right Standing with God) & with the MOUTH confession is made unto SALVATION! So, stop debating about if you’re going to go to church or not! GO AHEAD & GET READY FOR CHURCH! Remember, your feelings & your situation may change BUT God’s Word won’t! #Inspite how I feel or what’s going on, I’M STILL A CHILD of GOD! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 2, 2019

Who you are is NOT based upon who you with, but based upon WHO’S YOU ARE! You’re a child of God! He gave you your identity, not people! Stop seeking validation through people’s opinions when the Father’s Fact is what matters! Remember, you were a child of the King before folks treated you like their servant! Know your worth in the Royal family! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 1, 2019

Today, REFLECT on what God told you! Stop talking so negative, always expecting everything to go wrong or letting people ruin your day! Remember! Stay FOCUSED on what God told you by remembering what you told Him! #Obedience is the Key that unlocks everything! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater