As we are beginning the weekend, may God give you the strength to detox from the crazy week, the grace to have another day & the mercy to lighten the load for the days to come! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 11, 2019
This morning when it woke up, I looked at my clock and there was NO POWER. I looked around my bedroom & realized, there was NO POWER IN THE HOUSE. I grabbed my cellphone & saw it was earlier than I’d normally would wake up. I decided to get up to get ready for work (IN THE DARK) so I wouldn’t be late. As I was getting ready (IN THE DARK), my alarm clock in my bedroom starting going off! I stumbled to my bedroom (IN THE DARK) & turned off the alarm. As I was trying to figure out how in the world my alarm clock went off, God reminded me that there’s a backup battery installed so it wouldn’t lose its memory. Right now, you may be feeling “IN THE DARK” or you have NO POWER in your life, know that God not only have you in His MEMORY, but He STILL has ACCESS to your alarm to make things happen. Never based an ETERNAL God by earthly situations! No matter how dark things look, you don’t know what to do or you feel like giving up, REMEMBER.. God can STILL make A WAY out of NO WAY! #THE TOUGHEST TIMES REVEAL GOD’S STRONGEST STRENGTH! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 10, 2019
Poor decisions will produce RICH CONSEQUENCES! Invest quality time with God for wisdom in every area of your life, so your regrets will have a ZERO BALANCE! Remember, forgive yourself of past mistakes & allow God to open a FRESH account with funds available! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Night Time Devotional for October 9, 2019
For those who are feeling alone because of a breakup, death of a loved one, insecurities or some tragic events that happened in your life, know that I’m praying the Mighty hand of God hold you close to His Heart! You don’t have to figure out the right words to say. Just tell God how you REALLY feel. God will interpret every tear with words He’ll understand. Every moan you’ve had will be understood with clarity! Know that you are loved & you have Your Heavenly Father standing beside you! Be blessed & goodnight! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 9, 2019
One of satan’s tricks he will use before you receive your blessings is to bring confusion within your family, your friendships, your job or your church. See, the devil wants to distract your focus, then move you into an atmosphere of conflict or chaos. That’s where hurt or offense turns into unforgiveness, bitterness then hatred. If satan could blind you from your path, then he can DIVIDE, CONQUER & SABOTAGE you from the path God has for you!Listen! He will use people that he knows he could get a reaction out of you with. But see, it’s NOT really them, but satan sees an opportunity to make you all fall apart or take it out on each other! Maybe there was some miscommunication, maybe the conversation was in bad timing, maybe there was no clarity. Don’t interpret miscommunication with confusion. Pray about it, talk about it, seek peace & understand…Why the devil is bringing all this NOW… To make you miss what God is ABOUT TO DO! #All of this Ain’t Happening for Now! Stay Focus! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 8, 2019
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted. He hears the prayers of those who are broken in their spirit. There are things that may have happened in your life that you just don’t understand, BUT GOD promised to be with you & not abandon you in the toughest of times. ONE DAY! Your tears WILL DRY UP! ONE DAY! YOU WILL be able to breathe & it won’t hurt! ONE DAY! Things will be different! ONE DAY! Just keep on fighting, ’cause that ONE DAY could be TODAY! #Hold On! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 7, 2019
I know you’re gonna say, “Easier said than done!”, BUT…. (Try not to) STRESS over things (or people) when you’ve done all you could. Some things (or people) could be so heavy on you that if God is not changing things or moving fast enough that you’d try to do it yourself. But at the risk of your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health, where is your limit? Listen! You can’t worry about things, people or situations so much that it sends you to an early grave! There has to be a point where you admit… “GOD! IT’S IN YOUR HANDS!!!” This DOES NOT mean that you don’t love them or don’t care, but you’re humanly limited on what you can do. Regardless if you’re stressed about your job, kids, family members, finances, or other issues, ask God to give you peace, so you won’t fall to pieces! #When You’ve Done ALL That You Could, JUST STAND (And Watch the Lord See You Through)! #He Will Work It Out! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater