Month: September 2019

Daily Devotion for September 9, 2019

Your attitude or perspective of a movie is different when you’ve seen the movie before, because you know how it’s going to end. In life, you may be dealing with something that seems unbearable & you feel like giving up. Remember that you’ve seen this “movie” before. That SAME God that carried you in troubles in the past WILL carry you in trouble in the present! Read the script (Scripture) that the director God Almighty wrote for you in this thing called LIFE because He’ll remind you that you’ll WIN in the end! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 8, 2019

If you had enough faith that got you out of your bed, you have enough faith that God will get you out of your situation. No sin, no addiction, no problem has MORE power than God Almighty! Anticipate your day of deliverance & healing! Praise Him for what’s taking place behind the scene! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 6, 2019

If you have to lie to get it, cheat to get it, manipulate or be deceptive to get it, then THAT’S NOT THE ONE GOD HAS FOR YOU! When you get things or people in an ungodly way, you either don’t trust God enough, tired of waiting or think that He had forgotten about you. Listen! Don’t allow your impatience or insecurity get you so frustrated that you walk away & get something (or someone) less than what God has planned for you. In due time, you can receive your heart’s desires IF you don’t get out of the line. If you wait on God & do things His Way, what (or who) He has for you will enrich your life & adds no sorrow or stress to it. God knows what’s best & who’s best for you. So, the next time you’re getting frustrated & thinking about getting it yourself, remember, the way you get things or people, is the way you have to maintain it & by the way…You reap what you sow. #Is it insured by God or by Yourself! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 5, 2019

What people say behind your back can’t affect you compared to how you respond in front their face. Your reaction is their receipt that gives them proof that they purchased access to your mind or emotions. Listen! Your character is too important to pay them any attention! Avoid accepting their foolishness so it doesn’t go into your shopping cart. Let your customer service rep (God Almighty) deal with them & stay away from their aisle! #Have a Nice Day! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater