A gift that God gives you at birth is PURPOSE! If you invest your purpose into others with all you strength, God will give you a great return. In moments like this, the love that you all has given me is the return that God is showing me that my purpose is NOT wasted! I hope that what I said, what I do & what I live point others to Christ! With the will of God, there’s MUCH MORE to come! #I Am Honored! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 15, 2019
If you’re feeling helpless & don’t know what to do or how to handle what’s going on, get to church & pour out your heart (no matter how long it takes)! If people look at you or you hear them talking about you, SO WHAT! They ain’t the one dealing with everything… YOU ARE! Know that God will send somebody to you that will stand in the gap and pray for you, love on you & minister to you! Don’t allow fear to stop you from going forward to get your breakthrough! I speak a word of deliverance, healing, restoring, strength, courage, burdens lifted, joy, peace of mind, revelation, praise in your life THIS DAY! Expect a mighty move of God in your life! In Jesus’ Mighty Name We say, “AMEN!” Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 14, 2019
God told you that you’re going to make it, but He didn’t tell you HOW you were going to make it. If you can trust His Will, you can trust His Ways! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 13, 2019
There is NO pain that God can’t ease, no wound that God can’t heal, no broken heart that God can’t fix! The SAME God that carried us on THAT DAY (March 3, 2019), promised to carry us in the DAYS TO COME! He said it, let’s believe Him! R.I.P. ‘Sheila Prater’ (9/13/73 – 3/3/19)
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 12, 2019
If dirty dishes that stayed in your sink for months could accumulate bacteria, germ, insects & all other unwanted creatures, imagine what your heart would accumulated if you allow unresolved issues to stay. Why hold on to past hurts that is contaminating your emotional or mental health? Avoiding the issue will only make you become bitter. And don’t think that time will heal your wounds when you’re not treating your problems within that time. Dish out all your issues to God & let Him wash you IMMEDIATELY & THOROUGHLY! #If you can rush to get your dishes washed, you can rush to get your heart washed. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 11, 2019
In order to enjoy LIFE, you MUST be willing to LIVE! Living is choosing to have a greater perspective & to enjoy the greater quality of LIFE inspite of whatever comes your way. A key to receive this kind of LIFE is to FORGIVE! Forgiveness does NOT mean that you have to agree with what they did or what that said. Forgiveness is for YOUR BENEFIT & STATE OF MIND! Like that old saying, “One apple can spoil the whole bunch!” Well, UNFORGIVENESS is a infectious spirit that will spread throughout your spirit & contaminate your soul & spirit! Now, FORGIVING them does NOT mean that you have to TRUST them. Forgiveness means that you choose to NOT allow the person or their ACTIONS (OR BEHAVIOR) to define or control you. So, the next time you think about those who did you wrong, FORGIVE so you can HEAL so you can experience truly how to LIVE! #Forgive to LIVE! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 10, 2019
Never change your friendly nature because of an enemy’s actions! When people make you change who you are or get you out of your character, they take control of you & make you become the person you hate… LIKE THEM! That’s one of the BIGGEST ways the devil makes you miss the purpose God has for you. If you become like the folks you hate, then you’ll soon hate YOURSELF, then you’ll become your own worse enemy! Don’t let folks’ bitterness infect your heart. Keep your heart more like Him & less like THEM! #Let God Guard Your Heart! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater