Somebody REALLY NEEDS to hear this TODAY!
Regardless if it’s a relationship, friendships, business, etc, IF God AIN’T IN IT, GET OUT OF IT! God doesn’t bless where He doesn’t have access to come in! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 23, 2019
The SAME folks that put you down are the SAME folks who call you when they’re down! In those moments, it’s easy to act out on your emotions & do the same to them that they’ve done to you, BUT… THAT AIN’T YOUR CHARACTER! Sometimes it seems like it’s unfair being the nice person God made you or it’s hard to do the right thing towards the wrong people, but those are the main people who needs help. Know that, inspite of your feelings, keep moving in FAITH! You show God that He can trust you when you can pray for your enemies & be consistent in who you are. Don’t let broken people break you down. Focus on the strength of God & pray that God bend the brokenness of your enemies’ lives. Remember, it’s not what people do to you that stop your blessings. It’s how you respond to it! Respond in pray & forgiveness & watch what God does through you & for you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 22, 2019
When you’re at church today, just because other folks stopped praying doesn’t mean you have to stop your praying. If they leave the altar doesn’t mean you have to leave the altar. If they stopped their praise or worship doesn’t mean you have to stop your praise or worship. Don’t measure your needs or what you’re going through based upon somebody else’s. Your needs may be different or more than theirs! If you’re tired of what you’re dealing with or you need a Mighty move of God in your life, go to the house of God with ONE mindset.. Regardless of anybody else, “God! I NEED YOU!” Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 21, 2019
Somebody NEEDS to hear this!
If you’re dating (or interested in) someone but you can’t be yourself, do what scared people do… PROTECT YOURSELF & RUN! You can never be happy in a relationship when the one you’re with doesn’t like who you are. Why are you still with them? Spare me that, “Because I love them!” excuse. If they don’t like who you are, then why do you love them? Chile! THAT AIN’T LOVE, YOU IN YOUR FEELINGS! Your emotions are based upon you feeling useful or important in their life because you’re doing things for them, or you have some crazy fantasy that one day they’ll love you for who you are instead of that “other person” they really want to be with! And please save that, “Because we have a history together!” nonsense! All your problems in your relationship came from THEM to YOU! It ain’t you & them against the world. It’s them & the world against YOU! If you wake up & smell the burnt coffee, you’ll realize that you will do sooo much BETTER when you get them out of your life. That’s why you feeling drained all the time, because they aren’t refilling you. In other words, THEY AIN’T THE ONE YOU NEED TO BE WITH! Wait on God for that person who will appreciate you for who you are & give you that love that you’ve yearned for. Remember, true love still exist but that false love MUST first EXIT! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 20, 2019
Have you ever needed someone’s help, but you were so scared to call them that you try to fix it yourself, you have somebody else to call for you or God may touch that person you needed heart to contact you? When you tell them what you need, they helped to then you realized that you stressed & procrastinated for nothing. The same way we avoid reaching out to others who could help us, is the same way we avoid going to God for ourselves. Why are we so scare to go to God with our problems when He’s the only One who has all the answers? Stop wasting time trying to fix a problem only to make things worse. When you are ready to give up, God is ready to come in! Remember, the Problem Solver is Waiting on YOU! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 19, 2019
Death can not derail, deny or destroy a man’s LEGACY!!!! When GOD anointed you for an assignment & you’re obedient to His call, the impact will still be active long after your life ends! Men! When you seek the plans GOD has for your life, the residuals will fall upon your children & your children’s children!! Be the man that your son would want to be like you & the bar that your daughter would set to choose a man like you! #Men! Leave a Legacy as a Father for the Children to Follow! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 18, 2019
If you’re tired of the devil beating you down, taking your stuff, problems at work, using your spouse, kids or other family members, it’s time to SPEAK OUT WHAT GOD SAID ABOUT THAT SITUATION! Stop having those SILENT prayers when the devil is giving you a LOUD ATTACK! SPEAK OUT WHAT YOU’RE PROCLAIMING INTO THE ATMOSPHERE! There’s POWER IN YOUR MOUTH that NEEDS to COME OUT! Your family, your situation is waiting on you to STAND UP & FIGHT WITH THE WORD OF GOD! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 17, 2019
A knee can bend without breaking BUT that doesn’t mean it won’t get tired! No matter your title or position, ask God for BALANCE to manage what HE assigns you, WISDOM in doing it the way HE wants it & DISCERNMENT to recognize when to say “NO”! #Even Jesus took a break, shouldn’t you? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater