Somebody NEEDS to hear this!
If you’re dating (or interested in) someone but you can’t be yourself, do what scared people do… PROTECT YOURSELF & RUN! You can never be happy in a relationship when the one you’re with doesn’t like who you are. Why are you still with them? Spare me that, “Because I love them!” excuse. If they don’t like who you are, then why do you love them? Chile! THAT AIN’T LOVE, YOU IN YOUR FEELINGS! Your emotions are based upon you feeling useful or important in their life because you’re doing things for them, or you have some crazy fantasy that one day they’ll love you for who you are instead of that “other person” they really want to be with! And please save that, “Because we have a history together!” nonsense! All your problems in your relationship came from THEM to YOU! It ain’t you & them against the world. It’s them & the world against YOU! If you wake up & smell the burnt coffee, you’ll realize that you will do sooo much BETTER when you get them out of your life. That’s why you feeling drained all the time, because they aren’t refilling you. In other words, THEY AIN’T THE ONE YOU NEED TO BE WITH! Wait on God for that person who will appreciate you for who you are & give you that love that you’ve yearned for. Remember, true love still exist but that false love MUST first EXIT! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater