In your life, as you master the game of Chess, don’t forgot how to play Checkers! Sometimes God will give you an answers so simple that if you ain’t paying attention, you’ll walk right by it! #Learn the moves of God! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 1, 2019
Somebody NEEDS to hear THIS from a Man!
Women make babies NOT men! Save your parenting for the baby you birthed, not the “babe” you dating & let that boy you’re messing with be raised by his OWN PARENTS! As long as you keep doing for him & making excuses for him, he’ll stay with you until he gets where he wants to be, then he’ll look for a woman who will hold him responsible & won’t put up with the foolishness you ALLOWED him to do with you. LISTEN! Stop wasting your time with somebody that ain’t made for you & wait on God for the RIGHT MAN for you! No longer settle for less than what God has to offer! Remember, if you’re a “Stand by your man” woman to the wrong guy, you’ll eventually be standing BY YOURSELF! Be a REAL woman that will please God & that will attract the MAN God is sending you! #TRUTH SYRUP! Take it as NEEDED! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater