Stop letting people beat you up with their words or disrespect you! LISTEN! People will go as far as you allow them to. Like in dating, some people may make you think that you “need” them, you’ll never be successful without them or you won’t get anybody better than them! LOOK! YOU NEED GOD, NOT THEM! And please, PLEASE DON’T SAY YOU’RE STAYING IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM BECAUSE YOU LOVE THEM! 1st of all, THAT AIN’T LOVE! True love start with SELF LOVE! See, how you view or treat yourself is the STANDARD of what you’ll allow others to see you as then treat you as. You can’t expect respect from others when you’re disrespectful to yourself. Even in ministry, there are some that will tell you if you’re not in their church, you’re going straight to hell, you’ll never (spiritually) grow or you’re going to be curse! THAT DEVIL IS A LIE! You have to know who YOU ARE in the Eyes of God, know His Word & create guidelines (or boundaries) for others (& yourself) to treat you as such. If they don’t treat you with it, THEY HAVE chosen to exercise their rights out of your life, trust or heart! Regardless, if it’s within friendship, dating or ministry, NEVER let people verbally ABUSE YOU! #REMEMBER, YOU GOT RIGHTS…USE THEM! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 10, 2019
The deepest hurt requires the deepest healing. The healing needed is NOT through denial, avoidance, suppressing it, drugs, alcohol, sex or suicidal, but through JESUS CHRIST! You can trust Him with your hurts, you can trust Him with your secrets. He won’t bring up your past, so why should you? You may have thought that your life would always be negative, BUT GOD wanted you to see this REMINDER that a NEW START is AVAILABLE FOR YOU. Look in the mirror & say this out loud: I (Say your name) receive what Jesus did for (Say your name) & who He says I am! I am HEALED, BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, MY LORD! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 9, 2019
No matter how loud a big nickle brags to a penny, when a little dime walks in the room, the dime runs the place. Although the dime is smaller than the nickel, the dime’s value is greater. God has given every person an account but it’s up to us to add to the account He had given us. Increase your stocks with your integrity, treat others right, have a good attitude, the way you carry yourself & be a person of your word. When you know your worth, act your worth & treat others with the same worth, then you’ll make yourself in high demand & you’ll shine like a brand new dime! #Your net worth will influence your network! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 8, 2019
Have you ever eaten something so salty that you immediately had to get something to drink? Salt makes you thirst & the only drink that could quench your thirst is WATER! Water has all the electrolytes & nutrients needed for a person’s thirst & to gain maximum health. In life, we as Believers of Jesus Christ are the salt of the earth & the thirst that the world is looking for is the Living Water that is Jesus Christ. No other thing or person can fill their emptiness than the One you represent. When people leave your presence, what beverage does your life make a person thirst for? Living Water or liquor? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 6, 2019
As long as you’re helping some folks, they’re nice to you & speak good about you. But as sooooon as you stop or you can’t continue to support them, that’s when the REAL THEM comes out. Don’t take the REAL THEM personal when they talk about the REAL YOU! Listen! Saying NO or I CAN’T DO IT may close some doors or end some relationships, but those were the ones that were going to leave you or talk about you ANYWAY. They just needed an excuse to leave or reveal how they REALLY FEEL about you! Remember, friendships or relationships like those are like SWEAT… When you see perspiration, God is revealing the expiration. Wipe them off & KEEP ON MOVING! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 5, 2019
God never forwarn you about a battle He didn’t equipped you for or planned for you to lose. Don’t worry about who or how many try to attack you or walk away from you. Remember, if God is for you, who can be against you? You got MORE THAN ENOUGH on your side! #The devil’s roar is no match to God’s bite!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 4, 2019
As you celebrate the 4th of July, know that TRUE Independence comes when you accept Christ into your heart. #NOT FAKE NEWS! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 3, 2019
If you were taking a surprise test that you didn’t study for, but the teacher allowed someone who passed the test to help you, would you accept their help? Well, if you would accept their help for that test, why are you refusing help in the tests you’re dealing with in your life? Listen! You were not designed to deal with this alone! Don’t let pride, shame or who a person is make you reject the help that God is sending you. You’ve been praying for help & now it’s here but it didn’t come in a way you thought, STOP REFUSING IT! LOOK! I ain’t trying to tell you what to do, I’m just telling you to “THINK ABOUT” what you’re doing. #God will use the least likely, to bless His most likely… YOU! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater