A closed heart can’t get what’s in God’s opened hand. Why allow unforgiveness, bitterness, revenge or anything (or anybody) else make you miss what God has for you? Even though people may see your symptoms, let God deal with the root of the problems…Unsolved HURT! No matter how long you’ve been dealing with it or who did it to you, God is reminding you that He can STILL heal you. Allow God to come in & remove all blockages & resuscitate your heart back to the way He ORIGINALLY intended it. A heart without hurt & a heart without fear! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 17, 2019
Date someone who is the RESULT of your prayers, not the CAUSE of your prayers! See, the RIGHT ONE will appreciate you but the wrong one will depreciate you. That’s why you always felt drained. Why are you confused on what to do, when their actions are telling you how they REALLY feel about you? THEY DON’T CARE! From now on… STOP RUSHING TO THE WRONG ONES WHEN GOD WANTS YOU TO WAIT FOR THE RIGHT ONE! The RIGHT ONE is worth the wait & will see you as worth pursuing! #True Love Don’t Hurt! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 16, 2019
Just because bad things happened in your parents’ lives or your grandparents’ lives does NOT mean that you have to accept it for your life or your children lives. For so long, people have seen generational curses (or patterns) in their families & think that’s the way it has to be. THAT DEVIL IS A LIE! IT’S TIME TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST ABUSE, DIVORCE, DYSFUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS, POVERTY & ALL OTHER FOOLISHNESS THAT’S GOING ON! Change starts NOW! We must get rid of that old mindset of fear, settling for less, jealousy or just plain NEGATIVITY. Know that God has given you the ability & responsibility to receive that He said through FAITH! Exercising your FAITH is more that knowing what God’s Word said about a situation, it’s putting the specific ACTIONS required to bring the right results! The next time you’re with your family, ask yourself, “WILL I STAND UP & FIGHT FOR MY FAMILY’S SAKE?” #NO MORE EXCUSES! BREAK THE CURSE! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 15, 2019
Don’t mistake evidence for being insecure! The devil wants to play mind games with you to make you think that you’re being paranoid. NO! You’re eyes are opening up THE TRUTH! Now if you turn a blind eye to those facts, that simple means YOU’RE IN DENIAL! LISTEN! Why waste people’s time asking them to listen to your problems when you ain’t trying to listen to them & DEFINITELY STOP telling people to pray for your relationship when God is showing you to LEAVE! God doesn’t bless mess! He will give you a choice if you want to leave or stay, but He will NOT make you do anything against your will. Examine your relationship NOW! Remember, the choice is YOURS! #THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE & THE TRUTH WANTS YOU TO BE FREE! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 14, 2019
God didn’t get you out the bed to keep you in your pain. No situation is too hard for God. Praise Him in advance for what He can do! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Night Time Devotion for July 13, 2019
Pray for your future spouse now, so when you see them, you’ll know who they are by the prayers you’ve said about them! Remember, if it takes prayer to get you’ll together, it takes prayer to keep you’ll together! #Your future spouse is praying for you, so do the same for them! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 13, 2019
Don’t allow failure to kill your appetite for success! Feed yourself more than the fear others feed you! #STAY HUNGRIER THAN YOUR HATERS! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 12, 2019
Somebody needs to hear this:
Just because you didn’t get what you prayed for doesn’t mean your prayers were not answered! You prayed for things at a specific time & when it doesn’t come right then & there, you felt like God didn’t answer you, God didn’t hear your prayers or He said, “No!” Listen! One of the biggest traps the devil will discourage you with is IMPATIENCE! IMPATIENCE will cause you to rush (or have an anxiety), take matters into your own hands & make things worse. This is the time that you have to remind yourself of all the times God came to your rescue, even at the last minute. Has He failed you before? No! What makes you think He’ll fail now? Stop looking at yourself through your circumstances & start looking at yourself through your Redeemer! Remember, if God can be patient with you, He could be also teaching you how to be patient! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater