Remember, God did NOT bring you THIS far to LEAVE YOU. He brought you to LEAD YOU! Don’t worry! You’re on a journey, not your destination! God will sustain you on your travel! God got this! Be encouraged & be blessed! #Goodnight! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for July 24, 2019
A biopsy is to remove a small sample of tissue from a living person to try to make a diagnosis. An autopsy is a full & thorough examination on a person but only after their death. Although a biopsy may or may not give you an accurate diagnosis, an autopsy will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know, but it will be too late. In life, you may see the symptoms of a person’s behavior (or attitude) & “try to” do a biopsy exam to see what they’re dealing with. BUT GOD can do a “living” autopsy to see the root of the problem & bring healing or deliverance to restore them to wholeness. Don’t stress yourself out in trying to fix people you’re not qualified to operate on. Give them to God & let Him deal with them! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater