Day: July 11, 2019

Daily Devotion for July 11, 2019

Stop letting people beat you up with their words or disrespect you! LISTEN! People will go as far as you allow them to. Like in dating, some people may make you think that you “need” them, you’ll never be successful without them or you won’t get anybody better than them! LOOK! YOU NEED GOD, NOT THEM! And please, PLEASE DON’T SAY YOU’RE STAYING IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM BECAUSE YOU LOVE THEM! 1st of all, THAT AIN’T LOVE! True love start with SELF LOVE! See, how you view or treat yourself is the STANDARD of what you’ll allow others to see you as then treat you as. You can’t expect respect from others when you’re disrespectful to yourself. Even in ministry, there are some that will tell you if you’re not in their church, you’re going straight to hell, you’ll never (spiritually) grow or you’re going to be curse! THAT DEVIL IS A LIE! You have to know who YOU ARE in the Eyes of God, know His Word & create guidelines (or boundaries) for others (& yourself) to treat you as such. If they don’t treat you with it, THEY HAVE chosen to exercise their rights out of your life, trust or heart! Regardless, if it’s within friendship, dating or ministry, NEVER let people verbally ABUSE YOU! #REMEMBER, YOU GOT RIGHTS…USE THEM! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater