Did you just lose your job? Were you just dumped from a relationship? Were you just betrayed by a friend or family member? Congratulation! That’s GREAT NEWS! When you’re innocent of a situation & people abandon or reject you, it AIN’T your loss… IT’S THEIRS! Sometimes we choose a path or people that God did NOT want us to choose that will ultimately lead to heartbreaks or disappointments. Although you may have had good intentions in befriending, helping people or even choosing people to love, if that AIN’T for you & your purpose God has for you… EVENTUALLY you (& your goals) will irritate or frustrate them. LISTEN! A person can NEVER hide who they’re NOT forever. The REAL them will ALWAYS come out, but you MUST ask God to help you to SEE IT, BE PATIENT & ACCEPT what God shows you! See, God wants to partner you up with people who are going in the SAME direction, at the same pace as He is with you. So, if you get laid off, someone leaves you or stabs you in the back, learn to COUNT IT ALL JOY! You becoming FREE is allowing you to be AVAILABLE FOR God to heal you & send you GENUINE people or a GENUINE career for His purpose in you! #GAIN YOUR PURPOSE BY LOSING YOUR UNPURPOSED! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater