Daily Devotion for April 14, 2019
Peace comes during war, joy comes during sorrow, healing comes during hurt, relief comes during pain & purpose comes or revealed during struggles! So many people give up right before their breakthrough comes. I pray that God gives you added strength & endurance to overcome all you’re “Going through”. Remember, your “Going through” is NOT your FINAL DESTINATION! Your “Going through” is leading you somewhere God wants you to “GET TO”! I speak that YOU WILL MAKE IT! Receive it NOW! In Jesus’ Name… AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Night time Devotion for April 12, 2019
I know it’s early but you’re too busy all day for me to get your attention. You say you love me but you spend more time with others than me. When you’re hurting, you block me from your life. You talk to other people more than you talk to me. You even share your heart with those who wants to use you or those that mean you no good. I’ve seen the tears you’d cry & the nights you’d tossed & turned. Every time you were scared or felt alone, I actually was there watching over you. I woke you up to tell you how much I love you & I can fix all the problems you’re dealing with. I am the same yesterday, today & forevermore. You can give Me all your problems & worries. Know that I can carry all of them at the same time. All your life, you may have heard what I could do for others or who I was to them. But NOW, allow Me to be that & MORE to you! Remember, there is NOTHING too hard for Me! Love, Jesus! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 12, 2019
When you take matters into your own hands, you remove the matter out of God’s hands! Stop reacting out of your emotions when God wants you to be PATIENT! There is something that God is trying to reveal to you during your waiting period. Even if you’re doing everything God told you to do, there may be something He wants to heal or reveal within you or something He wants to do through you that will be for somebody else. There is a MASTER plan that WILL work IF it stays in the MASTER’S Hands! Remember, problems in your hands create other problems in your face. Take it to God & LEAVE IT THERE! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 11, 2019
When life gives you LEMONS, return it & say, “THIS AIN’T WHAT GOD HAS FOR ME!” So often we settle for whatever happens to us. The devil beats us up, attacks our minds or break up our families & we just accept it? THAT devil IS A LIE! It’s time to find out what God’s Will is for our lives. To know God’s Will, you MUST learn God’s Word! God’s Word is NOT just for the pastor or preacher, it’s for ALL OF HIS CHILDREN! No longer accept what the devil or what people want to give you. Jesus changed the MENU & PAID for your order by what He did on the Cross! He has an abundant life for you far beyond what you’re receiving from others. Thank the Lord for what He has for you! A BETTER quality of LIFE for you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 10, 2019
In order to have the best abs possible, you MUST exercise your BACK! When you focus on including BACK exercises, you strengthen your back, you develop your core (foundation), your endurance & overall appearance. Also you’ll develop muscle in your abs that you would have missed if you had only focused on front abs. You may be wondering why “The Abs of Your Life” are not looking as good as it should be, even after all the hard work you’ve done. It’s time to examine your back (support). You were not made to handle things alone. Delegate your responsibilities & workload to your back muscles called (trusted) family & friends who love you, ready to help & who has your best interests in their heart. Know that God lined up your life while you were in your mother’s womb. No matter what your enemies do or what life brings, Jesus gave you victory to overcome it all. No longer think that you’re an island or you’re by yourself. Remember, a diamond shines best when it has the right background on its back! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 9, 2019
Love without TRUST is H2O (Water) without Oxygen. It can NEVER be separated! Trust is the KEY ingredient that produces LOVE in a relationship. Your TRUST in a person is based upon THEIR character & ethics, NOT YOURS! So the next time you say, “But I love them!” & that person is treating you bad, lying, cheater on you, etc, ask yourself “Why do you LOVE them & what is love based upon?” Many good women or men make excuses for toxic people & they think that if they could just hang in there, things would get better, if they’d be nicer to them or even marry them then that will change that person! NO IT WON’T! Trust within relationships MUST 1st begin with TRUST within your relationship with God, then TRUST within the relationship with YOURSELF! Allow Him to heal you & prepare you to recognize the One He has for you! If you’re trying to start or stay in a relationship where there’s no TRUST, then you’re depriving your heart of (emotional & spiritual) oxygen then soon your heart will die! Keep your heart in shape by giving it to God! He knows who’s mature enough to care for it & give you all the oxygen you need! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 8, 2019
Faith will not only help you to see the unseen but it will help you to accept the seen! The things (or people) that God doesn’t want you involved with will require your faith in God to detach your heart from it & leave it (or them) alone! LISTEN! God can do it BUT He needs YOUR COORDINATION! #IF I hurt your feelings or offended you, I DON’T CARE! I’m try to save your life! #WAKE UP, ACCEPT THE TRUTH & LEAVE! #END DOMESTIC VIOLENCE & TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater