Don’t be so quick to say what you want to say that you miss what was ALREADY said! Keep your emotions in check because it’s blocking you from the answers God has placed right in your face! #While you’re trying to figure it out, God ALREADY worked it out! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 23, 2019
The hardest person to forgive is YOURSELF! See, satan wants you to hold on to that guilt to create self hate, make you punishing yourself or make you settle for less than what God has for you! Know that EVERYBODY HAS A PAST! But the KEY thing is, will you allow your past to DEFINE you or REFINE YOU? Jesus came to offer ALL OF US something that NONE OF US DESERVED…. FORGIVENESS! Forgiveness of sin is something NO ONE can withhold from you. The amount of Forgiveness God has for you is MORE THAN ENOUGH to cover ALL OF YOUR SINS ALL AT ONCE! So stop refuse the FRESH START that God has for you & receive the Abundant life in Forgiven! #God of Another Chance! #God Forgives You NOW Forgive Yourself! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 22, 2019
If you don’t have anything to push 4, push 2 God! He will reveal because He is the 1 who knows ALL! If you don’t start with the 1, you’ll end up with 0! #NOTHING FROM NOTHING LEAVES NOTHING! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 21, 2019
The SAME Spirit that got Jesus from the grave CAN get you out of your “situation”! Just as Jesus surrendered to the Father’s Will, you do the same & watch God move! The grave is for your burdens, NOT YOU! HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 20, 2019
All the NO’S in your life adds more value to the YES’ in your life! The NO’S are closed doors that prevents you from going out of bounds but leads you into the opened door that God has for you! Stop focusing on the doors that were slammed in your face! When you focus or stay at a closed door, you’re trespassing on other people’s property. Know that what or who God has for you IS FOR YOU. Seek Him, follow His plan, then you won’t get arrested being at the wrong property! #Thank God for closed doors! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 19, 2019
The reason why a good man is hard to find is because he’s lost trying to find YOU! Women! Don’t let your impatience get you out of God’s Will! You don’t find him. HE FINDS YOU!
Remember! God hadn’t forgotten about you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 18, 2019
Why push the door when God told you to pull the door? Many times, we go to the right places, say the right things but still fail because we use the WRONG method. See, it’s easy to follow other people’s plan or your own understanding, but that will only lead to you discouragement & wanting to give up. Know that God has a CUSTOM MADE, FRESH OFF THE PRESS PLAN for you. Remember, if you acknowledge Him in ALL YOUR WAYS, He WILL direct your PATHS! #What worked in the past or what worked for others may NOT work for you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 17, 2019
Just because you’re comfortable does NOT mean that you’re safe. How you feel shouldn’t determine your safe place. Your OBEDIENCE to God is your SAFE PLACE. Anything you need & anything (or anyone) you’re looking for, is in the path that God is leading you to. Even though Elijah was comfortable being fed food & water, God told him, “The brook was drying up. Get up & GO!” Don’t allow your comfort zone to stop you from your END ZONE! Where you are is NOT your FINAL DESTINATION. Seek God like never before for the purpose & plans He has for you. Remember, when God says, “GO!”, don’t argue… JUST GO! #Your brook is NOT your home. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 16, 2019
When people get on your nerves, GET ON YOUR KNEES! Don’t try to handle it yourself. Turn it over to God to keep your integrity & keep your peace! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for April 15, 2019
Today’s tears will become tomorrow joy. Never stop looking for tomorrow because of today’s pain. Listen! The darkest hour is JUST before DAWN! Allow Jesus to be your pain relief as He heals your heart! Remember, someway, somehow, He IS going to do it! He promised He would! #DON’T GIVE UP! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater