Daily Devotion for March 31, 2019
Today, my prayer is that we get on ONE ACCORD to praise/worship God for WHO HE IS (more than what He can do), we seek WHO WE ARE IN HIM & for us to TAKE THE LIMITS OFF OF HIM! WATCH THE POWER OF GOD MOVE IN OUR SERVICES & IN OUR LIVES WHEN WE MOVE OUT OF OUR WAY & INTO HIS WAY! LORD! HAVE YOUR WAY! IN JESUS’ NAME WE SAY, AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 30, 2019
When problems come as a distraction, God will use them to give you traction! Remember, if the devil (or your enemies) make a weapon to stop you, God can use that to block them from stopping you! #The trap they made for you WILL BE USED FOR THEM! # SO BRING IT ON! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 29, 2019
When you obey what God told you to do, you won’t have to look for love, LOVE will come looking for you!! #Stop settling for a match made in hell! Let God be your LOVE CONNECTION!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 28, 2019
Nothing will build your PUBLIC confidence more than your PRIVATE moments with God! When you spend time seeking the Face of God, HE WILL help you to face ANYTHING (& ANYBODY)! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 27, 2019
Whatever you’re facing, you’re NOT facing alone! You may see your big problem in front of you, but your problem sees your BIGGER God behind you! DON’T GIVE UP! You WILL OUTLAST, you WILL OUTLIVE whatever you face! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 26, 2019
SOMEBODY NEEDS TO HEAR THIS: Don’t allow an argument or hurt to distract you from your purpose! The devil will use people’s actions
to make you react with your emotions to get you out of your character & get you off focus! Know that problems are ALWAYS a sign that you’re close to God’s plans for you! Instead of being moved by your feelings, be moved by His Spirit. Ask God to help you to look beyond the foolishness of others & stay for on your assignment! #You’re too close to be distracted! #STAY FOCUSED! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 25, 2019
During a radio or t.v. show, a commercial is advertised to show the viewers who is sponsoring the show. A GREAT company uses a GREAT COMMERCIAL to promote a GREAT produce only on a GREAT show! In life, you may question your value or worth, know that your are SPONSORED by God ALMIGHTY for your show (your life). Even when you’re feeling low or discouraged, God will intervene to give you as commercial. No matter who doesn’t tune in to your show or who stops watching your program, as long as you’re on God’s channel, NO ONE can cancel or interrupt what God has for you! No longer worry about your ratings. As long as you’re following the Script (Scripture), you’re covered under the Blood of Jesus! Let God’s commercial remind you of who you are & more importantly WHO’S YOU ARE! #A commercial break is a cause for a PRAISE BREAK! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater