Month: February 2019

Daily Devotion for February 14, 2019

When I arrived at Best Buy, I walked on the parking lot & saw a beat up, damaged penny. As I was about to walk away, God told me to pick it up & hold it in my hand. I went inside Best Buy, went toward the back of the store & God told me to look down. When I looked down, there was a penny right by my feet. God then told me to pick it up & hold it in my hand too. God told me to pick up the penny in the parking lot because He was leading me to the penny that was a match for it. To all the SINGLES ladies & gentlemen who are still searching for love, DON’T GET DISCOURAGED, FRUSTRATED OR GIVE UP ON LOVE! Inspite of what you’ve been through, you STILL have VALUE! God knows the desires of your heart & has everything in perfect timing! Stay in God’s hands! He is leading you on the path to meet your match & everything else He has for you! He knows where & who they are! So, TRUST His heart as He protects yours! #True Love STILL Exist! #THERE IS A MATCH FOR YOU! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 13, 2019

God’s Word can BREAK FAST last night’s nightmares, any morning depressions, troubling thoughts or worries of today! Don’t start your day with a spiritually empty stomach. Be filled in the Presence of God & watch how He’ll carry you through this day! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 12, 2019

You as a Christian MUST speak up for yourself & STOP being MANIPULATED or PUSHED OVER by people who means you NO GOOD! As long as you are doing what folks want you to do, everything is alright. But as sooooon as you tell them, “NO!’ then that’s when they say, “Oh! You suppose to be a Christian!” & they’ll throw some Scripture (OUT OF CONTEXT) to make think that it was from God or to make you feel guilty. LISTEN! STOP LETTING PEOPLE TAKE YOUR KINDNESS OR YOUR CHRISTIANITY FOR WEAKNESS! You need to make people responsible for their OWN actions or consequences of their choices! There are people that will take your LAST dime even bring you down with them with NO regard to YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITIES, YOUR FEELINGS NOR YOUR HEALTH just for their own personal agenda! Be prayer & evaluate those people you “try to help” or those you call your FRIENDS, those in your FAMILY & even those in CHURCH. If they stop dealing with you because you stop doing for them or you told them “NO!”, then they showed you who they REALLY were. Remember, if you want people to stop using you or walk over you, let them to walk AWAY from you! #Put Some RESPECT Back In Your Own Name! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 11, 2019

Why be scared of LOVE when that’s what your heart truly desires? See, LOVE NEVER hurt you! It’s WHO you LOVED that did! 1st, FORGIVE THEM & FORGIVE YOURSELF! Then, allow the creator of LOVE God Himself to REACH you from your broken place, TEACH you HOW to LOVE, HOW to BE LOVED & WHO QUALITIES for the LOVE you DESIRE & DESERVE! #TRUELOVE STILL EXIST, EVEN AFTER BEING HURT! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 9, 2019

An apple seed carries many other apple seeds & can result in creating a HUGE forest from just ONE apple seed! In your life, you don’t have to wonder if your life have purpose or meaning. God has given you the potential to duplicate what’s in your D.N.A.. You are a seed from God & was made in His Image after His Likeness. Remember, what you see in the mirror AIN’T all that there is about you! So spent some quality time with God & ask Him the purpose & assignment He has birthed you for! #You were made to produce by the Producer God Almighty! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 8, 2019

Never be ashamed of your past (or your family’s past). Even athletes learn from their mistakes. Remember, it ain’t a loss if you GAIN knowledge, understanding & why not to do that again! #That is Your Testimony! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 7, 2019

Don’t let your ATTITUDE change your LATITUDE! God knows what you’ve been dealing with & He knows what “THEY” have said & how “THEY” have been treating you, BUT those are DISTRACTIONS to make you move OUTSIDE of YOUR CHARACTER & OUTSIDE of the PLACE GOD WANTS YOU TO BE! LISTEN! What people say or do can NOT stop your blessings but how you RESPOND to what they say or do CAN! If you stay LONGITUDE before God, He will keep you LATITUDE before Him & deal with the ATTITUDES of “THEM!” #THEY AIN’T WORTH YOU MISSING YOUR BLESSINGS! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 6, 2019

I’m praying against the spirit of depression! satan has been fighting you for too long. he wants you to think that your life will always be like this so you can give up. he is being served notice RIGHT NOW! Listen! Those feelings of feeling lost, alone, hopelessness, guilt or misunderstood can NOT trespass on God’s child. We bind them, evict them & send them BACK to the pits of hell! Your life has a calling that the devil does NOT want you to see… BUT IT’S TOO LATE! You will be DELIVERED, HEALED & SET FREE, IN THE NAME OF JESUS! MAY THE POWER OF GOD REST UPON YOU! RECEIVE IT! IN JESUS’ NAME WE SAY…AMEN!!! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater