Month: February 2019

Daily Devotion for February 28, 2019

Do this in your daily routine:
Anoint your HEAD for God to protect your mind from evil thoughts & always bring His Word back to your remembrance;

Anoint your EYES so you can see what He wants you to see & prevent you from seeing the distractions that will throw you off course.

Anoint your EARS to hear His voice & tune out the gossips, lies, dramas or any other foolishness from getting into your spirit.

Anoint your MOUTH to speak words that will be edifying or productive & shut your mouth when you’re tempted to say something unlike Him.

Anoint your FEET for God to direct your paths & avoid the traps your enemies planned for you.

Anoint your HANDS to receive what He has for you & to give Him praise inspite of the disappointments &
Anoint your NOSE to stay out of other people’s business! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 27, 2019

You are God’s garden & His Words spoken in your life are the seeds that produces good fruits in your life. But your enemies’ negative words & actions are the weeds that “tries to” destroy your field to make you feel empty. No longer focus on those weeds from people who meant you no good. Allow God to exterminate EVERY weed that was planted or entered into your life so you can become who God ALWAYS intended you to be. Remember, no matter what people said or what did to you, it will NOT define or defect you as God’s beautiful garden because He is your Gardener! #God will turn every weed into fertilizer so you can grow inspite of your enemies! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 26, 2019

THIS MAY NOT BE FOR EVERYBODY, BUT THIS IS FOR SOMEBODY! LADIES! When you & your man are in a disagreement, never take his silence as being a weak man. His silence may be WISDOM to wait until the appropriate time to talk about things. See, a WISE man will CONSULT God about that issue & WAIT for Him to respond back! God will let him know that saying the right thing even in the right tone won’t be recieved if it ain’t in the right timing! As long as you’re still angry, the devil will use your emotions to make you misinterpret what he says to make things worse. So, no need to belittle him or disrespect him because that man you may be putting down, maybe the one God told him to SHUT UP & BE PATIENT until you CALM DOWN! #If your man taking too long to respond, don’t take it up with him. TAKE IT UP WITH GOD! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 25, 2019

Jesus’ empty tomb is a reminder that your life doesn’t have to be empty! Allow Him to fill your life with His PURPOSE, His IDENTITY, His LOVE! He’s the ONLY One who can do it! Ya Feel Me? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 23, 2019

If you can’t trust them with your heart, don’t trust them with your……. (YOU KNOW THE REST) TRUE LOVE will lead you to the altar BEFORE the bedroom! Remember, making LOVE doesn’t create LOVE! Obedience to God does! #Get his RING BEFORE he gives you his THING! #ACCESS DENIED UNTIL WE SAY I DO! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 22, 2019

Never be in fear of losing something or someone, to do what God told you to do. Listen! Even if someone make you choose, you’re going to lose them ANYWAY! Anytime you’re made to choose, it (or they) were NOT yours in the FIRST place! Whatever or whomever God gives you will NOT pull you FROM Him, but CLOSER TO HIM! Seek & obey God for the purpose He has for you, then the things (or that person) will be on that path He has you on. Remember, when God got yours, there’s peace & it’s yours FOR KEEPS! #NOTHING OR NOONE GOES BEFORE GOD! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater