Do this in your daily routine:
Anoint your HEAD for God to protect your mind from evil thoughts & always bring His Word back to your remembrance;
Anoint your EYES so you can see what He wants you to see & prevent you from seeing the distractions that will throw you off course.
Anoint your EARS to hear His voice & tune out the gossips, lies, dramas or any other foolishness from getting into your spirit.
Anoint your MOUTH to speak words that will be edifying or productive & shut your mouth when you’re tempted to say something unlike Him.
Anoint your FEET for God to direct your paths & avoid the traps your enemies planned for you.
Anoint your HANDS to receive what He has for you & to give Him praise inspite of the disappointments &
Anoint your NOSE to stay out of other people’s business! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater