Month: January 2019

Daily Devotion for January 10, 2019

Your anointing, your spiritual growth & (sometimes) your blessings are depended upon how you handle or respond in your ADVERSITIES! In times of ADVERSITY, it will reveal your CHARACTER, your (SPIRITUAL & NATURAL) MATURITY, your TRUST IN GOD & He POWER in your life. Don’t look at the problems you’re dealing with as punishment, but look at it as an OPPORTUNITY to prove that you’re QUALIFIED for your PROMOTION or your HEART’S DESIRES. Know that God has something instored for you on the OTHER SIDE of THIS. Just rely upon His AUTHORITY & WISDOM then you WILL MAKE IT THROUGH! #YOU WERE BUILT FOR THIS TO BE ANOINTED FOR “THAT” (THE PURPOSE GOD PLANNED FOR YOU)! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 9, 2019

If you focus LESS on a person’s potentials & MORE on a person’s REALITY, then you’ll save yourself from disappointments & heartaches! LISTEN! EVERYONE has potentials but that does NOT mean that EVERYONE wants to live up to them! You have to accept them for who they are, what they are & what they have or don’t accept them at all! #What are you willing to accept? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 8, 2019

The devil can NOT have what you’re NOT willing to give him! For too long, the devil has treprassed on our properties, bullied us & stolen from us & we did NOTHING (except complain)! It’s time to FIGHT BACK! Take a STANDS AGAINST the devil for the sake of your JOY, PEACE OF MIND, MARRIAGE, CHILDREN, RELATIONSHIPS, COPARENT, HEALING, DELIVERANCE, PURPOSE, ETC! Know the POWER & AUTHORITY that YOU have in JESUS CHRIST! STUDY (& OBEY) His Word, KNOW YOUR RIGHTS & CLAIM what’s RIGHTFULLY YOURS! IN JESUS’ NAME…. AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 7, 2019

Someone’s smile may be God’s invite to show you the tears on their heart! You never know what a person goes through behind closed doors! NO ONE is excused from problems or pain in life! That’s why we should discourage NO ONE & PRAY for EVERYONE! Remember! Your prayers & encouragements may give them hope & help them to make it another day! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 4, 2019

Even in a nice compliment, people’s opinion of you are like INVISIBLE INK, it may be great or beautiful when it 1st appears. But when you later need it, it may change or fade away. That’s why you don’t build your value, worth or self esteem on the opinion of others. You build it on the FACTS of God! Regardless of how people treat you, your current situations or your past, God’s Facts (His Word) NEVER changes! His PERMANENT ink was written with His Son’s Blood! Focus MORE on listening to Him, then what people say or think about you WON’T MATTER! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 3, 2018

You NEVER have to fear when God is in FRONT! Consult God in EVERY area of your life! Don’t try to figure out how your needs will be met during your journey. That ain’t your responsibility, THAT’S GOD’S! If He takes you TO IT, He’ll take you THROUGH IT or CARRY YOU THROUGH IT! Trust that God chose you (the RIGHT PERSON) for the RIGHT ASSIGNMENT, at the RIGHT TIME! Remember! Since God wants to lead you to it, He had ALREADY prepared you for it! #I Can Do ALL things through Christ! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater