Daily Devotion for January 17, 2019
Have you ever thought about a past stressful situations you were in then eventually everything worked out? Well, what makes your current situation different than your past situation? Oftentimes, satan will bring those stressful, worrisome or fearful problems to your mind BUT he will NEVER remind you of the successful conclusions. That’s why during your times of worrying or doubting, YOU have to REMIND yourself of your PAST VICTORIES God accomplished in your life. That will encourage you that the SAME God that brought you out before, could do it AGAIN! I would also suggest that you create a spiral (or journal) to WRITE DOWN ALL your past VICTORIES, so when satan clouds your mind, you could VISUALIZE it, REFLECT the details & SPEAK IT OUT LOUD! No longer feel defeated or that you can’t make it through this! Remember, your PAST testimonies WILL give you the answers to current problem so you can PASS THIS TEST! #Class Dismissed! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 16, 2019
This morning, my arm was badly wounded & I had to put pressure on my arm to stop the bleeding. As time passed, because I applied enough pressure on my wound, a scab was developed over my wound. The presence of the scab was the indicator that the HEALING process had started. Just like the HEALING process of my arm, God has a HEALING process for your HEART! Before the wound is treated, it 1st has to be CLEANSED! FORGIVE the one who hurt you & forgiving yourself will disinfects your HEART of ANY emotional, mental or spiritual bacteria that they caused & it will remove any guilt (or regrets) satan tries to make you feel towards yourself. YOU CAN NOT SKIP THIS IMPORTANT STEP! If you’re NOT willing to cleanse your wound (FORGIVE), then an INFECTION (UNFORGIVENESS) will cause your wound to SPREAD! The next step is to apply pressure to stop the bleeding by going to God! Studying His Word pertaining to your hurt, your disappointments & your identity will get you on the road to recovery to become BETTER than you were before the injury! Psalm 34:18 says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted & saves those who are crushed in spirit! Remember, regardless if it’s an adult or puppy love, they ALL got the SAME bite that only God CAN HEAL!! Be healed & Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 15, 2019
There are people who may be dear to your heart that you may pray for. As much as you may love them or pray for them, if they WON’T change, DON’T THINK THAT GOD DIDN’T HEAR YOUR PRAYERS NOR BLAME YOURSELF BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T CHANGE! See, God can do ANYTHING but He will NOT go AGAINST our Will. He will NOT force Himself upon us or make us do something that we don’t want to do. God gives us FREE WILL to CHOOSE to obey Him or not! Sometimes we may try to make people change but they don’t want to. They ain’t tired of what they’re doing or who they are. You have to put them COMPLETELY in God’s Hands & STAY OUT OF THE WAY! When you try to rescue them from their problems they created, they won’t recognize the full CONSEQUENCES of their bad choices or lifestyle! Like the old saying goes, “You make your bed, NOW you gotta lay in it! As much as it may hurt you, you MUST allow them to “feel the fire” FULLY for themselves! Ask God to help you ACCEPT their choice not to change, for you to stop stressing & worrying about it & for you to live the life God has for you (regardless of others)! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 14, 2019
It’s frustrating when you’re doing the right things & (it seems like) nothing good happens, while other people are living ungodly, doing all kinds of crazy underhanded evil stuff (& it seems like) EVERYTHING ALWAYS WORK OUT GOOD FOR THEM! In Psalm 73:2, David said, “My foot ALMOST slipped when he saw the wicked prosper!” Know that satan will bring discouragement to make you go back to your past or make you do something outside of your character right when help (or your blessings) are close to you. As bad as you make want to… DON’T TAKE MATTERS INTO YOUR OWN HANDS & DON’T STOP DOING THE RIGHT THING! Doing good & doing the RIGHT thing ALWAYS pay off in the eyes of God & man! It will reveal your TRUE character & its giving God the responsibility to work out EVERYTHING for you! Know that God will NOT let your waiting be a waste! Keep doing the RIGHT (Godly) thing & watch God move (when you least expect it! #DON’T GET DISTRACTED!Stay focused on God, not others! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 13, 2019
Regardless of how powerless or alone you feel in your situation, The Blood of Jesus NEVER lost its power! Allow it to rescue you TODAY! It will find you! DON’T GIVE UP! HOLD ON! In Jesus’ Name… Amen! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Night time Devotion for January 12, 2018
Don’t go to bed with your problems in your head. Worrying & stressing CAN’T trespass to your bedroom! Give it to God & let Him deal with it! Be blessed & goodnight! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 12, 2019
God will either open WINDOWS to send your blessings to you at your CURRENT LOCATION or open a DOOR for you to walk in your blessings at a NEW LOCATION. DON’T DO NOTHING UNTIL YOU CONSULT GOD & HE RESPONDS BACK! He WILL tell you what to do. Be VERY sensitive & prayerful at this time so you don’t get confused between God’s voice, satan’s voice or your emotions! You NEVER know how your blessings will come to you, but HE KNOWS! Trust God! Wait on Him because He has IT for YOU! #Keep Praying for IT! #Either Stay for IT or Go for IT? You Don’t Know, BUT God KNOWS! Be blessed #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 11, 2019
There are morning medications you have to take with food to coat or protect your stomach so it won’t TEAR UP your stomach & make you feel really miserable! In life, you MUST take SPIRITUAL FOOD (which is The WORD of God) to coat & protect your life. If you don’t takes God’s Word BEFORE you start your day, things or people will make you nauseous or may be hard to deal with. Start your day off RIGHT with the Breakfast of Champions… The Presence of God & His Holy Word! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater