Month: January 2019

Daily Devotion for January 24, 2019

Have you ever been doing something then all of a sudden (out of the blue) someone comes to your mind or heart? Sometimes that’s God’s way of letting you know that they need your help or your prayers. Ask God for the instructions of fulfilling His plans & meeting their needs in their life. In the midst of helping others, don’t ever feel like God had forgotten you. Remember, the SAME God who put someone on your heart is putting you on someone’s heart too! #You are NOT Forgotten! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 23, 2019

Women! Let him keep his “pencil” in his “pocket” until he signs the “papers” 1st! Don’t depreciate or compromise your values, worth or heart to “prove” your love & commitment by having sex with him BEFORE marriage! See, true love is 1st concerned with your SOUL (your relationship with God). He values you for who you are to God more than who you are for his “personal interest”. Secondly, you DON’T have to teach him how to be a man or respect you. When you WAIT on God, the RIGHT one will come & will be FULLY EQUIPPED. Stop settling for artificial love that always leave you unfulfilled & hurt! Remember! Until he says, “I DO!”, you DON’T!!!! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 22, 2019

Alone time with God will remind you that you’re NOT ALONE! You ARE somebody in Christ Jesus! Be blessed! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 21, 2019

Today we celebrate the life of a man who had a dream & fought to bring that dream into REALITY! Some 51 years after his life ended, his LEGACY yet lives! Today, we salute Dr. Martin Luther King Jr for the life he gave! Now, the question & charge to us MEN- What are you willing to fight for? Are you doing ANYTHING (PRODUCTIVE) to leave a LEGACY to impact the world & inspire your children to want to be like their daddy? Let’s start TODAY by 1st becoming the spiritual leader in our children’s & family’s lives & be the example of the man of God that He wants (& made) us to be. Dr. Martin Luther King had his dream but he woke up & went to work. Fathers! The ABSENCE of your DREAM will become your children’s NIGHTMARE! Today, ask yourself, “Are you fulfilling a dream or are you still sleeping?” #Wake Up & Get to WORK! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 19, 2019

A prisoner can be released from jail, but if he or she doesn’t embrace their freedom, they are still a prisoner (in their mind) & their decision in life will show it. See, man can free you physically but only YOU can free YOURSELF MENTALLY! No longer allow people or your environment to control your mind! Ask God to help you see (& accept) the value He has invested within you! Remember! There’s More to You than What is SEEN! #You Have Vaule, You Have Worth, You Have a Voice! You Have a Mind! Respect ALL of YOU! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 18, 2019

Have you ever lost something, you spend all day looking for it, but as soon as you say, “Forget it! I AIN’T LOOKING NO MORE!” then God leads you right to it? See, when you take matters into your own hands, you NEVER accomplish or find what you’re looking for. In order to stop wasting time & energy, you MUST consult God 1st in EVERY area of your life! God wants to guide you to everything (& everybody) He has planned for your purpose in life! Oftentimes, you don’t pray about things or think you can handle it yourself, then you create a HUGE problem that God NEVER intended for you to deal with. But He LOVES YOU SOOO MUCH that (if you repent) He will not only FORGIVE YOU, but give you ANOTHER CHANCE & even help you to deal with the consequences of your decisions! Stop losing focus or taking detours in your journey of LIFE! Allow Matthew 6:33, to become your G.P.S. system to listen to the Navigator’s instructions: Seek ye 1st the Kingdom of God & His Righteousness then ALL these things shall find YOU! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater