Day: January 17, 2019

Daily Devotion for January 17, 2019

Have you ever thought about a past stressful situations you were in then eventually everything worked out? Well, what makes your current situation different than your past situation? Oftentimes, satan will bring those stressful, worrisome or fearful problems to your mind BUT he will NEVER remind you of the successful conclusions. That’s why during your times of worrying or doubting, YOU have to REMIND yourself of your PAST VICTORIES God accomplished in your life. That will encourage you that the SAME God that brought you out before, could do it AGAIN! I would also suggest that you create a spiral (or journal) to WRITE DOWN ALL your past VICTORIES, so when satan clouds your mind, you could VISUALIZE it, REFLECT the details & SPEAK IT OUT LOUD! No longer feel defeated or that you can’t make it through this! Remember, your PAST testimonies WILL give you the answers to current problem so you can PASS THIS TEST! #Class Dismissed! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater