Day: January 15, 2019

Daily Devotion for January 15, 2019

There are people who may be dear to your heart that you may pray for. As much as you may love them or pray for them, if they WON’T change, DON’T THINK THAT GOD DIDN’T HEAR YOUR PRAYERS NOR BLAME YOURSELF BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T CHANGE! See, God can do ANYTHING but He will NOT go AGAINST our Will. He will NOT force Himself upon us or make us do something that we don’t want to do. God gives us FREE WILL to CHOOSE to obey Him or not! Sometimes we may try to make people change but they don’t want to. They ain’t tired of what they’re doing or who they are. You have to put them COMPLETELY in God’s Hands & STAY OUT OF THE WAY! When you try to rescue them from their problems they created, they won’t recognize the full CONSEQUENCES of their bad choices or lifestyle! Like the old saying goes, “You make your bed, NOW you gotta lay in it! As much as it may hurt you, you MUST allow them to “feel the fire” FULLY for themselves! Ask God to help you ACCEPT their choice not to change, for you to stop stressing & worrying about it & for you to live the life God has for you (regardless of others)! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater