Month: January 2019

Daily Devotion for January 31, 2019

If you don’t forgive yourself, you’ll carry a load that will excess the limit to get to your purpose! Unload the guilt, pick up GRACE & DON’T LOOK BACK! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 30, 2019

Being ALONE is NOT a bad thing IF you understand the purpose of being ALONE! The “A” is the HIGHEST grade you can achieve in a test. The “L” stands tall under any upper or lower case conditions. “O.N.E.” is 1 that is whole, complete & is the BEGINNING point of ALL number that has value. In your SINGLENESS, allow God to show you your identity & help you to learn how to be ALONE (in Him), so you won’t chose someone who will eventually leave you feeling LONELY! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 29, 2019

Years ago, when I was car shopping, I said I wanted to buy my favorite car (a Dodge Daytona). One day, I finally found one in the newspaper for $2,000. I called the car dealer & he told me that since I didn’t have all the money, I had to put down half the price for him to hold it for me for a few days. I was so excited, I called my father to tell him that I found the car of my dreams. He asked me a lot of questions about the car, who was selling it & their phone number. After I hung up the phone with my father, I immediately went to give the car dealer my money. A few days later, I saved up enough money to get that car. I asked someone to drop me off at the dealership to get the car. After I picked up the car, I went straight to my father’s house to show him my car. He asked me how much I paid for the car. When I told him $2,000, he almost fainted. He told me that when I 1st told him about the car, he called the dealer himself & talked him down to $1,500. After he spoke to the car salesman, he tried to call me back several times but I didn’t return any of his calls! In life, when our Heavenly Father ask you what you want, know that He is asking you so He could get it for you. When you don’t communicate with The Father & allow impatience to get you, you spend more money, more time & more energy that He had NOT plan for you! Trust that you are in Daddy’s care & when He ask you about your heart’s desire, DON’T GET IT YOURSELF… LET HIM GET IT FOR YOU!! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 28, 2019

Your FRIENDS will support you IN YOUR PURPOSE but your ENEMIES will PREPARE YOU FOR YOUR PURPOSE! Your ENEMIES are actually your BIGGEST FANS! They will show you how NOT to TREAT PEOPLE, DARE you to SUCCEED, REPORT (PROMOTE) ALL YOUR BUSINESS & more importantly.. MAKE YOU PRAY! Anytime you encounter your enemies, they are in the direction within your purpose but your RESPONSE towards them will reveal if you’re MATURE ENOUGH to ENTER into it! Ask God for the DISCERNMENT to RECOGNIZE your enemies, the COURAGE to STOP AVOIDING THEM, the STRENGTH to FORGIVE THEM & the HEART to HELP THEM IN THEIR TIME OF NEED! Everything that happened to you PREPARED you for who you are & where you’re going! Remember, what the devil meant for evil, God will use it for your GOOD! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 27, 2019

Just when you think that you can’t take it anymore or you feel like you can’t go on any longer, God will come in or sends someone at the RIGHT TIME to help you make it through! Don’t ever think that God left you while you’re going through! He is RIGHT THERE! He knows what you need & how much you need! Be encouraged to know that VICTORY is YOURS & the storm IS ALMOST OVER! Weeping may endure for a night BUT JOY comes in the MORNING! #God is turning your MOURNING into MORNING! Be blessed & GOOD MORNING!! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 26, 2019

God says, “You CAN do it!” You say, “You CAN’T do it!” Who are you gonna believe? God will NOT give you an assignment He hadn’t already equipped you for VICTORY! What are you waiting for? You will NOT be at peace UNTIL you do what you’re SUPPOSE TO DO (& BORN TO DO)! Go in the POWER & AUTHORITY of Jesus Christ & you’ll soon realize… You feared for NOTHING! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 25, 2019

Have you ever had a dream or vision that was so unbelievable, you shared it with some folks, but they thought you were completely CRAZY? As crazy as that dream was, you KNEW that it came from God! The worse part is seeing those same folks years later & it STILL had not happened yet. Those are the times when the devil will get you discouraged, make you question if that was REALLY from God or make you give up on your faith. Remember, just because the voice of God is silent does NOT mean that His hands AIN’T busy! See, before they construct a high rise building, the construction workers MUST create the plumbing system underneath the foundation. Know that God has to work BEHIND the scene (out of your view) to set the stage for The Performance (The Dream to APPEAR). Also, keep in mind that God does NOT operate within your timeframe. To stay encouraged while you’re waiting on God to do something so mindblowing, you have to: WRITE DOWN what God told you, say it OUTLOUD & HOLD ON TO WHAT GOD TOLD YOU! It may sound foolish for some people to believe but SO WHAT! THAT AIN’T YOUR PROBLEM, it’s THIERS! LISTEN! God told YOU what He will do! If He wanted everybody to understand, He would have included them into the vision! So, the next time you wake up & it had not happened yet, remember, you’re 1 day CLOSER until your dream becomes REALITY!! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater