Month: December 2018

Daily Devotion for December 18, 2018

If the JOY of the Lord is your Strength (which means He is your Source), why are you seeking people to bring you joy? Listen, relying on people for JOY will bring you HEARTBREAK & DISAPPOINTMENT! JOY can NOT be produced by an outside source (from a thing or person) but ONLY through knowing who you are in Christ! Jesus will provide the inner fulfillment of JOY that can’t be shaken or taken away by people or circumstances! No longer allow yourself to search for things that can NEVER satisfy you! Remember, because of your identity in Christ, J.O.Y. belongs to Y.O.U.! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 17, 2018

It’s ok to dream in your sleep. Just don’t sleep on your dream. WAKE UP! Put your dream into ACTION & DON’T STOP until your dream becomes REALITY! Success will come through your OBEDIENCE to God & CONSISTENCY of YOU doing your part! STAY HUNGRY! See yourself doing it, see your having it & eventually YOU WILL! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 16, 2018

Don’t wait until things get worse! Just tell God to fix it NOW! Until you (verbally) tell God, you’re going to keep that SAME problem! If you were able to fix it, it would have already been fixed a long time ago. Listen! That problem is over your head, so turn that problem over to the Head of your Life… GOD ALMIGHTY!! Remember! He won’t fix what’s Not in His Hands! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 15, 2018

People may block your path BUT they AIN’T block your BLESSINGS! When you PRAY & FORGIVE your enemies, God will create A WAY that your BLESSINGS will COME to YOU! Focus on OBEDIENCE to God & let Him deal with your enemies! #Focus ON REWARD NOT REVENGE! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother PraterBrother

Daily Devotion for December 14, 2018

Speak out of your mouth & demonstrate in your life, what you’re believing God for within your heart! Faith without works are like unplanted seeds… You won’t get results until you break a sweat! Stop Complaining & Start Digging! #God is Waiting on You! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 13, 2018

If everybody won’t accept Jesus into their life, don’t expect everybody to accept you into their life! No matter who you are, what you do or how much you do for people, if Jesus being who He is & did all of what He did & was STILL rejected.. EXPECT THE SAME THING! You can’t force people to like you or be in your life against their will. Being a people’s pleaser will cause much FRUSTRATION, DISAPPOINTMENTS & DISPLEASURE for your life (& the life of others)! It reveals that the problem ain’t them, it’s YOU! You have a motive to be in their life to fill some void or to feel important to them. LISTEN! This is the time that God wants to fix every areas that were damaged in you, so you can truly know & appreciate who you are. Allow your life to have meaning & purpose when you choose to please GOD, NOT PEOPLE! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 12, 2018

I’m praying that God gives you the heart to stop beating or punishing yourself over your past (or recent) mistakes. Ask God to forgive you & give you the strength to forgive yourself!
When the devil tries to plea bargain you with a sentence of guilt or shame, DO NOT TAKE IT! Although your court date is coming SOON & you have ALREADY VINDICATED of ALL CHARGES!!! So, don’t let the devil distract you from missing your court date. God has given you the subpoena through His Word. Remember, your past case is NOT a “cold case”, it’s a CLOSED CLOSE! Stop trying to reopen it! #You’ve Been Found NOT GUILTY! ALL CHARGES DROPPED, IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater