Day: December 29, 2018

Night Time Devotion for December 29, 2018

I’m praying the spirit of safety NOW! If you’re headed somewhere & start feeling an uneasiness or nervousness in your stomach, DON’T GO or if you’re already there, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY! The devil wants to bring harm upon you! We bind & cancel the plans of satan NOW in the Name of Jesus! We speak a word of OBEDIENCE, SAFETY & DELIVERANCE in the Name of Jesus! We cover that hard headed child that thinks they know it all. God will give them that desire to repent and respond in obedience to Him & to their parents! PARENTS! DO NOT WORRY! PUT THEM IN GOD’S HANDS! We’re expecting a testimony of the work of God! In Jesus’ Name we say..AMEN! Be blessed & Goodnight! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for December 29, 2018

Just because you MESSED UP doesn’t mean that you GIVE UP! Listen! Giving up will become easier each time you do it. See, if you do something 1 time, it’s a mistake but if you do something TWICE (or MORE)…. IT’S A HABIT & HABITS become CHARACTER & satan wants GIVING UP to BECOME a part of your CHARACTER! Giving up will cause you to have the fear of failure, the fear of moving forward or the fear of trying again! Listen! WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES, but how you RESPOND from your mistakes will determine your succeses or failures in life. Remember, if God gave a pencil an eraser, a computer a delete (or backspace) button, He had given you something called GRACE! PICK YOURSELF UP, FORGIVE YOURSELF & GO FOR IT AGAIN! #MISTAKES HAPPEN! DON’T BEAT YOURSELF UP! #GROW FROM YOUR MISTAKES! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater