Imagine being engaged & days before your wedding, your fiance has a bachelor/ bachelorette party & has sex with all the strippers there. Worse of all, the party (including the sex scenes) were videoed & showed on the internet. When you finally see your fiance, they tell you that they wanted to get everything out of their system so when you all get married, they could do the right thing. What would you do? If they were really ready for marriage, their behavior would display it now. RIGHT? Well, that’s the SAME behavior that we have with God when it gets close to the beginning of a new year. We give God this futuristic promise of commitment & devotion for the New Year while doing the things that displeases Him in the old year! What would happen if tomorrow doesn’t come? Remember, don’t change for the new year, change for the NEW YOU! When? Starting NOW! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 30, 2018
Just because the government is shut down does NOT mean that Heaven’s windows are shut down! Rely on your TRUE SOURCE.. God Almighty! He promised to supply ALL your needs! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Night Time Devotion for December 29, 2018
I’m praying the spirit of safety NOW! If you’re headed somewhere & start feeling an uneasiness or nervousness in your stomach, DON’T GO or if you’re already there, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY! The devil wants to bring harm upon you! We bind & cancel the plans of satan NOW in the Name of Jesus! We speak a word of OBEDIENCE, SAFETY & DELIVERANCE in the Name of Jesus! We cover that hard headed child that thinks they know it all. God will give them that desire to repent and respond in obedience to Him & to their parents! PARENTS! DO NOT WORRY! PUT THEM IN GOD’S HANDS! We’re expecting a testimony of the work of God! In Jesus’ Name we say..AMEN! Be blessed & Goodnight! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 29, 2018
Just because you MESSED UP doesn’t mean that you GIVE UP! Listen! Giving up will become easier each time you do it. See, if you do something 1 time, it’s a mistake but if you do something TWICE (or MORE)…. IT’S A HABIT & HABITS become CHARACTER & satan wants GIVING UP to BECOME a part of your CHARACTER! Giving up will cause you to have the fear of failure, the fear of moving forward or the fear of trying again! Listen! WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES, but how you RESPOND from your mistakes will determine your succeses or failures in life. Remember, if God gave a pencil an eraser, a computer a delete (or backspace) button, He had given you something called GRACE! PICK YOURSELF UP, FORGIVE YOURSELF & GO FOR IT AGAIN! #MISTAKES HAPPEN! DON’T BEAT YOURSELF UP! #GROW FROM YOUR MISTAKES! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 28, 2018
During the uncomfortable times, the devil will make you focus on the issues that will worry you or stress you out. Those are actually the times when God will teach you a lesson or reveal to others His favor in your life. No longer give up or feel like God has left you alone. He may be setting the stage to show EVERYBODY who you REALLY are to Him! #Daddy’s on the Way! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Night Time Devotion for December 27, 2018
May God remove every worry, anxiety, fear, or problem, from your mind that may prevent you from getting some rest! We cancel the devil’s plan to disturb your rest! Remind yourself that while your cares are in the Hands of God, you are going to rest well in the Arms of God! Let God be your peace of mind & rock you to sleep! Be blessed & goodnight! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 27, 2018
You can’t waste your time with the “WRONG ONE” while waiting on God to send you the “RIGHT ONE”! Trust God with an OPEN HEART & an OPEN SCHEDULE so you can be AVAILABLE & READY when He sends the RIGHT ONE (FOR MEN- Send you to the RIGHT ONE)! Regardless how long it take or if everybody else is getting married, DON’T TRY TO MAKE THE WRONG ONE BECOME THE RIGHT ONE! Remember, don’t waste your time nor be a waste of someone’s time being in the wrong relationship. Be PATIENT & WAIT ON GOD! #Time Waiting is Time Worth Investing!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for December 26, 2018
Never write people off that God is still writing the script to! The same one you think that would never be anything, may be the main one God uses to do mighty things, including helping you!
Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. #Don’t mistreat your blessing in disguise! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater