May you be (spiritually) fed today after using all your energy fighting the devil (& people) all this week. For your crazy week dealing with crazy people, give God a CRAZY PRAISE! #MAY YOU HAVE A CRAY CRAY SERVICE TODAY! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 10, 2018
You will either accept what God says about you or what people “THINK” about you! One gave you life, while the others are trying to run your life! Choose God & you’ll live a satisfied life that will please Him or choose people & you’ll live a frustrated life always trying to please people who AIN’T pleased with their own lives! Listen! You will either have a blessed life or a stressed life! The choice is yours! #Are you living for Him or for THEM? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 9, 2018
When someone is arguing with you, your emotions may want you to lash out or say something hurtful because they said something hurtful. But would that solve anything? NO! Those are the times when you have to look beyond their words or your emotions & rely upon God in that situation. See, the devil loves confusion & conflicts (especially amongst Christians). He will use any conversation to create an argument, then when hurtful words are involved, the argument shifts from the original topic into a loud heated shouting match. Listen! The devil (not the individual) is the Author of confusion! Be sensitive to the voice of God when you’re dealing with someone who is too busy arguing to you but not listening to you. Allow God to set the scene & timing for your words to be said & received by the other person. Don’t miss your blessings by trying to retaliate with your words. Let God handle it! Remember, when your emotions (feelings) tell you to “LET THEM HAVE IT or SAY IT!”, listen to God’s voice because He may be telling YOU to “SHUT UP!” Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Night Time Devotion for November 8, 2018
Don’t let your problems keep you from resting! The SAME God that moved for you before, WILL move for you AGAIN! He wants you to TRUST Him with ALL your heart in spite of what it seems like! I bind the spirit of anxiety & worrying spirit that the devil is trying to bring! Remember, it’s God’s responsibility to make a way & MAKE YOU SLEEP! CLOCK OUT for your sleep as God CLOCK IN to get to working on your behave! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 8, 2018
The SAME God to believe in to get into Heaven, is the SAME One to believe in to get you OUT the Hell you’re living in! So often, people put their blessings & hope into the future, but forget about living the RIGHT NOW! Psalms 46:1, tells us that He is our Refuge & Strength, an Ever Present Help in times of trouble. Stop dealing with life’s difficulties by yourself when The Helper is Here with you & for you! Abundant life is Abundant living when All your cares are upon Jesus Christ! When? RIGHT NOW! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 7, 2018
No matter how hard the wind beats on a tree, if the roots are deeply anchored, the tree will still stay. Though the winds may blow off the leaves or the storms may break the branches, EVERYTHING that was removed or destroyed WILL BE REPLACED because its still connected to its source! The source will provide nourishment to the roots! No matter what storms or winds may come your way, STAY CONNECTED TO THE SOURCE! Know that God had built you to withstand EVERYTHING the devil or people blow at you or on you! Soon, the storms will be OVER & the new season will bring forth your harvest because you made it through the storm! #You WILL OUTLAST The Storm! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 6, 2018
Your situation doesn’t change God’s promises to you. Many times the devil will use a current condition as a distraction to bring hopelessness, fear, loneliness or rejection into you to discourage you so you can give up. That’s when the devil will make you believe that God doesn’t care or God left you, so you can accept your current situation as your permanent situation. That devil is a LIAR! You ARE on the right path. The devil is trying to use your emotions in your situation to blind you from what God has for you! Don’t stop trusting God because things don’t make sense to your physical senses. If you can hold on to what God told you, then you’ll have what God told you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Night Time Devotion for November 5, 2018
You & God can’t be up working on the SAME problem! Somebody got to get some sleep! You let God work it out while you sleep it out! Go to bed & let God handle it! Be blessed & goodnight! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 5, 2018
The SAME Blood that will save you from the penalty of sin, will save you from the power of sin. So no matter what you’re in or how long you’ve been dealing with it, if you’re TIDE of those issues & ready to GAIN ALL your JOY back, the Blood of Jesus can OXI CLEAN your toughest stains & give you a CHEER for your FRESH START! The Blood of Jesus can make your life FABULOSO! #The Blood of Jesus is the REAL Cleaning Agent! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater