Just because you’re dealing with the consequences of your past does NOT mean that God never forgave you of your past! You’re STILL forgiven & saved but some things just bring consequences we just have to deal with. Even in the midst of the consequences, God can give you the grace & strength to handle them. So, don’t let people (or yourself) make you feel guilty of your past or make you doubt your salvation. You’re STILL loved by God & STILL in His family! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 16, 2018
In the tough times in your life, DON’T GIVE UP! Find the Scriptures that relates to your situations & HOLD ON TO THEM! God’s Word can minister to you at a time when no one else can or will. Sometimes it takes others abandoning in your storm for them to see God show Himself strong on your behave. Allow those tough times to draw you closer to the Father instead of farther from Him. Remember! If you set God’s Word as your foundation, it will keep you standing in the middle of your storms. #Your problems may shake your foundation but it will NOT break you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 15, 2018
That same God that can heal you from your physical injuries, is that SAME God that will heal you from your emotional injuries! LET’S BE HONEST.. You can NOT affectively praise God when you’re emotionally distracted with hurt! That’s why you have to allow God to heal the wounds, the scars & the scar tissues (those hidden reminds) of your emotional hurt.
Know that God is concerned about your mind, body & soul (the seat & core of your emotions). Psalms 34:18 reminds us that, “He is near to the broken hearted!” No longer give God part of you when He’s concern about ALL of YOU! Remember! There’s NOTHING too hard for God! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 14, 2018
If he loves you, he will talk words to build you up instead of talking words to tear you down.
If he loves you, he will open up about his secrets instead of trying to keep you as a secret.
If he loves you, he will cover you in his prayers instead of trying to cover you in his bed.
If he loves you, he will respect your relationship with God instead of pulling you away from God.
As much as you examine if he loves you, always ask yourself 1st, “DO YOU LOVE YOURSELF?” True love will withstand any storm & will shine even in the darkest hour.
Wait on God when it comes to love! He will give you a compatible relationship that won’t be a combative relationship!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 13, 2018
Your REAL enemy is NOT that person. Your REAL enemy is satan! satan will use people’s hurts or misunderstandings to make them say or do evil or hurtful things towards you. That’s why you have to pray for EVERYBODY (especially those who mistreat you, lie on you, talk about you, etc.). One of Jesus’ final words was interceding (praying) for those who were crucifying Him! Later, those who crucified Jesus accepted Him as the Son of God (Matthew 27:54). In life, you have to remember that you’re NOT wrestling against flesh & blood but a spirit! That’s why it’s important to FORGIVE! Listen! As painful as what they did may be, God may use you or that situation as an opportunity to pray in their behave to help them to really know Him, get healed from their past & break free from the REAL enemy.. satan! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 12, 2018
Whatever decisions you have to make, pray & FAST for your answers. FASTING (removal of food) will alert & sharpen your spiritual senses to focus on a response from God. In your FASTING, be aware of what you watch or listen to. If it does not spiritually feed you, do NOT listen or entertain it. Engulf yourself in God’s Word & worship music even as you sleep. You will wake up empowered & spiritually full. Do NOT make a decision until you have heard from God. When you WAIT on God, you will have clarity, peace & the answers you were looking for! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
#Disclaimer! Please consult your doctor before your fast (especially if you’re on medication or if you’ve never done it before).