Month: November 2018

Daily Devotion for November 24, 2018

As much as you care & have a heart for people, you can’t allow their lives to affect your heart! See, your emotions want to save (or protect) people close to your heart from their upcoming trouble. Then it’s frustrating when you can see their trouble coming but they won’t listen to you or accept your advice. As painful as it is, that’s when you have to let God help them understand the depths of their OWN mess! If you try to rescue them, they will NOT understand how to stop making foolish decision & they will ALWAYS come to you to be CAPTAIN SAVIOR out of their problem! That will be the ONLY time you’ll hear from them. To get them out of trouble AGAIN! Ask God to help YOU love them from afar & help you NOT to see or hear the false cries of them selling you WOLF TICKETS! Pray that God give them the desire to LISTEN to Him & to turn their lives around for the better! May you NO LONGER stress, lose sleepless night or worry about anything else that is in the HANDS of GOD!! Let God handle it & STAY OUT THE WAY! #LORD! THEY YOUR PROBLEM, NOT MINE! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 23, 2018

If people searched for their purpose with the same intensity as they do shopping for Black Friday specials, they won’t be shopping at other people’s companies (or stores).They would OWN them! Are you mainly investing in your dreams or other people’s dreams? Take inventory of what you’re doing & consult God about EVERYTHING! Matthew 6:33 says, Seek 1st, the Kingdom of God & His Righteousness (God’s Way of being right, doing the right thing in the right way), then ALL these things WILL chase you down. When you seek God 1st, you WON’T have to look for your blessings, they will come running looking for YOU! This is the time God want us to be better stewards (managers) of what we already have, so He can use that to bless us more. If you’ve failed in the past, ask God to forgive you, then forgive yourself & start NOW! This AIN’T being selfish, but being a RESPONSIBLE steward (manager)! Remember, Manage what you got & watch how the OWNER (God) promotes YOU! #Your REAL Black Friday Special! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 22, 2018

As you prepare for this Thanksgiving Day, ask God to prepare you for PEACE to deal with the difficult people you’ll be with, BLINDERS to FOCUS ONLY on the POSITIVES & GRATEFULNESS to SEE another day! Celebrate Thanksgiving Day with Thanks Living & give God the PRAISE for EVERYTHING He’s done & EVERYTHING He is! #HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 21, 2018

As you bow down to worship THE KING, you will be able to STAND against the enemy! Your worship is the identity of who you are & the lifeline of whose you are. When you worship God in the midst of your problems, you show God that you TRUST that He WILL WORK IT OUT! No longer worry about how you’re going to fix it. Go into WORSHIP & let God figure it out! #That AIN’T your problem! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Night Time Devotion for November 20, 2018

I know it’s late, but I just got up and heard these words to tell you, “Everything is going to be alright!” Although you’re concerned about it, the devil is trying to make you worry about it. It’s on your mind so you can GIVE it to God, NOT for you to hold on to it ANYMORE! When you hold on to it, that’s when the devil turns it into worrying about it! As much as it’s on your mind , YOU ARE MORE ON GOD’S MIND! If God woke me up out of my sleep to tell you this, allow THIS message to (spiritually) wake you up so you can give it ALL to Him! Be blessed & GOODNIGHT! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 20, 2018

Ladies! Save your “cookies” for AFTER dinner (your wedding). Having dessert before your meal may make you sick (spiritually & emotionally), also prevent you from enjoying the full benefits of your dinner! Ask God to send the RIGHT man who will respect himself & you enough to WAIT until AFTER DINNER IS SERVED! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 19, 2018

Allow God to WITHDRAW every hurt & unforgiveness OUT of your life, so He can DEPOSIT your blessings & healing INTO your life! Holding on to hurt or unforgiveness in your account AIN’T worth it compared to what God has for you! So allow God to check your balance & clean your account for what’s coming! Jesus covered ALL your WITHDRAW & MAINTENANCE fees on the Cross! PRAISE God in ADVANCE ’cause your DEPOSIT slip is ON THE WAY! IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN! HALLELUJAH!!! #BANK ON THAT!!! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 18, 2018

May THIS DAY be THE DAY for your BREAKTHROUGH! Find a PRAISE BREAK moment & use it for your BREAK OUT! If people look at you crazy, SO WHAT! You know what you’re standing in need of! Don’t let shame or embarrassment stop you from getting your chains BROKEN today! Is today your release day? WELL ACT LIKE IT! #I’m NO LONGER a prisoner of my problems! I’M FREE! In Jesus’ Name! Be blessed!  #brotherprater