Day: November 23, 2018

Daily Devotion for November 23, 2018

If people searched for their purpose with the same intensity as they do shopping for Black Friday specials, they won’t be shopping at other people’s companies (or stores).They would OWN them! Are you mainly investing in your dreams or other people’s dreams? Take inventory of what you’re doing & consult God about EVERYTHING! Matthew 6:33 says, Seek 1st, the Kingdom of God & His Righteousness (God’s Way of being right, doing the right thing in the right way), then ALL these things WILL chase you down. When you seek God 1st, you WON’T have to look for your blessings, they will come running looking for YOU! This is the time God want us to be better stewards (managers) of what we already have, so He can use that to bless us more. If you’ve failed in the past, ask God to forgive you, then forgive yourself & start NOW! This AIN’T being selfish, but being a RESPONSIBLE steward (manager)! Remember, Manage what you got & watch how the OWNER (God) promotes YOU! #Your REAL Black Friday Special! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater