Don’t let your problems keep you from resting! The SAME God that moved for you before, WILL move for you AGAIN! He wants you to TRUST Him with ALL your heart in spite of what it seems like! I bind the spirit of anxiety & worrying spirit that the devil is trying to bring! Remember, it’s God’s responsibility to make a way & MAKE YOU SLEEP! CLOCK OUT for your sleep as God CLOCK IN to get to working on your behave! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for November 8, 2018
The SAME God to believe in to get into Heaven, is the SAME One to believe in to get you OUT the Hell you’re living in! So often, people put their blessings & hope into the future, but forget about living the RIGHT NOW! Psalms 46:1, tells us that He is our Refuge & Strength, an Ever Present Help in times of trouble. Stop dealing with life’s difficulties by yourself when The Helper is Here with you & for you! Abundant life is Abundant living when All your cares are upon Jesus Christ! When? RIGHT NOW! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater