Month: October 2018

Daily Devotion for October 11, 2018

When your life is going through a TEST, think about this: The word TEST is a short 4 letter word that starts with a “T” & ends with a “T”. The devil wants you to get frustrated in your trouble (TEST), feel like it has no end so you can give up. LISTEN! You TEST is TEMPORARY, not permanent! While you’re thinking you’re stuck in the beginning of your TEST (the 1st “T”), you may be at the LAST “T” about to come out! Remember! Giving up means stopping your fight to get out! During your Trouble, ask God for the “E” for Endurance & “S” for Strength that will help you to move from beginning the 1st “T” to the last “T”! Know that your T.E.S.T. will lead you to your TESTIMONY, then you’ll understand the last letter of testimony “Y” (WHY)! #You Enter into Trouble but You Coming Out a TESTIMONY! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 10, 2018

The 1st step of healing your heart is to forgive those who broke or abandoned your heart! You may say that you can’t do it, BUT your heart, your peace, your purpose deserves it! Releasing unforgiveness frees you (spiritually & emotionally) from the control of that person &/ or the act that they did! Be aware that the devil will bring old feelings back to make you “think” that you had not forgiveness them. Listen, you have to remind yourself (sometimes continue to remind yourself) that you already chose to forgive them! Take comfort in knowing that God’s plans for your life has NOT been cancelled. Rely on God’s Word & strength to help you to move from the pain of the past. Exhale unforgiveness & inhale your life back! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 9, 2018

If you want a stray dog to stop going to your house, stop feeding it food. If you want messy (gossiping) people to stop coming to you, stop feeding them your time or ears. Gossiping is a spirit that’s designed to control you, then distract you from God’s plan. Once you entertain gossip, it will attach into you & cause you to infect others! Ask God to help you be aware of those that the devil sends to make you waste your time entertaining gossip. Remember, if you entertain it, they will Inner TAME YOU! #Stay focused! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 8, 2018

The only time you’re aware that your past is following you is if you look back at it! Digging up your past regrets will only dig you into a quicker grave! Ask God to install spiritual blinders to keep you focused on the assignment of today instead of the pain of the past! Remember, the SAME forgiveness that God had given you, give that to YOURSELF! #Stop Beating Yourself Up & Build Yourself Up with Forgiveness! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 7, 2018

When you are going to church, don’t worry about what the other people are doing, what they are thinking or how they feeling about you. You are going to church for THE WORD & TO GIVE GOD PRAISE! Many times we allow the devil to steal our joy or we miss the answers to our prayers because we “worry about” why they looking at me, why they didn’t speak to me, I don’t want them to know I’m going through this, etc! You’re NOT at church for them, you’re there for HIM! LISTEN, what you focus on during church is what (or who) is receiving your worship! Give God permission to remove anything (or anybody) off your mind that could distract you from the Presence of God! Even if that distraction comes before you leave the house, STAY FOCUSED ON GOD! Watch God move in your life when you don’t respond to the distraction that was placed for you! #Stay save & stay sane by focusing on God & NOT PEOPLE! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 6, 2018

The more you please God, the more some people will become displeased! Don’t get discouraged when you are living for God & doing all you can to help others that people start treating you bad, talk about you negatively or lie on you! Obeying God & doing what’s right will ALWAYS give God access to bless you in spite of people wishing you to fail & it will protect your heart from being affected by the actions of others! Obedience to God will REVEAL a person’s true character & feelings towards you so don’t get offended or take it personal! Love them, forgive them, pray for them & seek God’s approval, NOT theirs! #Growth in God will cause a growth FROM (some) folks! #Just Letting You Know NOW! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 5, 2018

Breakfast is the MOST important meal of the day! It replenishes the energy & fuel your body used while it was working during your sleep & nourishes your body for the task for that day. A high sugar intake for breakfast (like donuts) will only give you a temporary sugar rush then crash you down, then you’ll be dragging ALL DAY LONG. That’s why just anything type of food won’t do! You must have good nourishing quality food to begin your day. Just like you feed yourself breakfast for your physical body, you must feed yourself spiritual breakfast. Your spiritual breakfast will refuel you of the spiritual war that you’ve been through while you were sleeping & equip you for the assignment or trouble that’s ahead. You will be charged & victorious in every area IF you start your day off 1st in the presence of God & in His Word! #What’s for (Spiritual) Breakfast?
Be blessed #brotherprater
Brother Prater