Exodus 18:17 tells the story of Jethro telling Moses that the work he was doing (by himself) was too much for him to do alone. Moses may have had good intentions but he was not affective because he was trying to do everything by himself. The only way he could be affective was to accept help with the task. In life, you may be a leader or in charge of a task, it doesn’t make you a weak or incompetent person to accept or ask for help. Ask God to help you to examine yourself & the task you’re doing to see if you’re being effective or if you’re killing yourself (or the assignment). Even if you’re not hands on, as long as you make sure that the job is DONE…. THAT’S ALL THAT MATTERS! #Work Smart Not Hard! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 18, 2018
Some of the most powerful & effective messages you can give to others actually comes from your own deep hurt or struggles. Know that God can give you a public praise in spite of your private pain. May God give you strength & healing as He turns your test into a dynamic testimony! Just DON’T GIVE UP!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 17, 2018
A great technic that’s available for authors or writers is… The COPY & PASTE TECHNIC! It allows you to save time by duplicating what you once wrote & repeat it over & over again (as many times as you want). In life, you may wonder if God can fix your current situation or if He will be too late. Allow the True Author (Jesus Christ) to COPY & PASTE your past victory into your current victory! He can QUICKLY duplicate VICTORY, HEALING, DELIVERANCE, etc FOR YOU! Remember, the SAME GOD that did it before, can do it AGAIN! He’ll rewrite your story, NOW give Him the GLORY! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 16, 2018
If Jesus can walk on water to rescue Peter, He can walk on your tears to rescue you! Never think that Jesus doesn’t care or doesn’t hear your cry! He will prevent you from drowning! DONT GIVE UP! He is walking to you now!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 15, 2018
As I was walking yesterday, I felt the need to walk left instead of right. As I walked left, I saw a small snake headed in the path to my car. I blocked the snake’s path & killed it. In life, God may lead you to a path that seems problematic, scary or lonely. Know that He may have you to deal with a small potential snake (problem) before it turns to a full size fatal one. Whatever path God leads you in your life, He ALREADY equipped you for it. Early detection is God’s vaccination to building your spiritual immune system for what’s ahead. #What the devil meant to kill you, God will use it for your good! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 14, 2018
May God have His way in His House on today. If anyone tries to distract you from the Presence of God, don’t focus on them. Remember, they are NOT dealing with you, they are dealing with HIM!! Give God the praise & let Him deal with your pain (your enemies)! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 13, 2018
Every tree has a root, every ending has a beginning, every effect has a cause. When you deal with people who do evil towards you, you’re only seeing their tree (effect). The tree of a person may be made up of past hurts, rejections, low self esteem, being misunderstood, etc. Even though they may had done you wrong or bad, you MUST forgive & give grace to those who showed disgrace. Forgiveness doesn’t mean they deserve it, but you do. If you don’t forgive them, you allow that seed to go into your garden, infect your tree (you) & corrupt your field. Ask God to help you to pray for the root of what caused their tree to be infected. Remember! You’re not wrestling against flesh & blood. There’s an ungodly spirit that has control of that tree. Allow the True Gardener (Jesus Christ) to prepare the grounds & treat the roots, so it would produce healing to their tree & yours! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 12, 2018
It’s easy to worship (obey) God when things are well, but can you still worship (obey) God when things aren’t going well? The devil will tell you that believing in God ain’t working or make you impatient to “try to” do (or get) things yourself because it’s taking God too long. Listen! It took worship to get you this far & it will take worship to carry you on. Be consistent in your worship as a Believer! Your worship during difficult times will strengthen your faith level beyond where you are now! Remember! In the absence of your resources, God will reveal that He IS THE SOURCE! Don’t let NOTHING or NOBODY stop you from being a WORSHIPER! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater