Day: October 6, 2018

Daily Devotion for October 6, 2018

The more you please God, the more some people will become displeased! Don’t get discouraged when you are living for God & doing all you can to help others that people start treating you bad, talk about you negatively or lie on you! Obeying God & doing what’s right will ALWAYS give God access to bless you in spite of people wishing you to fail & it will protect your heart from being affected by the actions of others! Obedience to God will REVEAL a person’s true character & feelings towards you so don’t get offended or take it personal! Love them, forgive them, pray for them & seek God’s approval, NOT theirs! #Growth in God will cause a growth FROM (some) folks! #Just Letting You Know NOW! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater