Breakfast is the MOST important meal of the day! It replenishes the energy & fuel your body used while it was working during your sleep & nourishes your body for the task for that day. A high sugar intake for breakfast (like donuts) will only give you a temporary sugar rush then crash you down, then you’ll be dragging ALL DAY LONG. That’s why just anything type of food won’t do! You must have good nourishing quality food to begin your day. Just like you feed yourself breakfast for your physical body, you must feed yourself spiritual breakfast. Your spiritual breakfast will refuel you of the spiritual war that you’ve been through while you were sleeping & equip you for the assignment or trouble that’s ahead. You will be charged & victorious in every area IF you start your day off 1st in the presence of God & in His Word! #What’s for (Spiritual) Breakfast?
Be blessed #brotherprater
Brother Prater