Month: October 2018

Daily Devotion for October 31, 2018

Your Facebook page may get hacked, your phone calls may get dropped, your letters may get intercepted, your internet service may get cut off, your emails may get spammed, but NOTHING or NOBODY can stop your prayers from reaching God! Don’t stop praying because you don’t see IMMEDIATE results! This message is your CONFIRMATION notice that He hears your prayers & is working it out RIGHT NOW! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 30, 2018

Sometimes God will send someone who’s going through the EXACT SAME THING you’re going through for you to push aside your problems, pour out your heart to speak life to them. It’s like preaching to yourself in the mirror! Know that what you’re doing for others is NOT in vain! So don’t feel like God had forgotten about you! Know that God will send a Word through you for them & for YOU! Remember, that SAME Word you’re minister to help others, God is using it to bring healing to you too! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 29, 2018

A great prize comes AFTER a great fight! As tough or painful as your battle may be, every fight has a FINAL ROUND. May God give you the strength & endurance to stay in the ring until the FINAL BELL SOUNDS! Listen! God ALREADY promised you victory! God wouldn’t give you an opponent you can’t defeat! Stay in the fight & you WILL win this battle! Remember! This battle is NOT yours, it’s the Lord’s!

Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 27, 2018

As your audience INCREASES, your circle of friends DECREASES! As disappointing as it can be, NEVER refuse the anointing or blessings God has for you because of people! God’s investment into you will expose jealousy, envy, or a person’s true feelings about you. Don’t take it to heart! That’s THEIR problem, NOT YOURS! LISTEN! You STILL forgive them, love them, pray for them & be there for them if they need you! See! The devil wants to use the actions of others to make you REACT in a way to make you miss (or give up) your blessings! You MUST stay TRUE to a Godly character at all times! Know that God had ALREADY prepared you for this! It’s not a coincidence that you’re reading this now! God will help you to adjust to the reduced size of your circle & send solid quality people that will pray for you & encourage you as you fulfill God’s purpose in your life. Remember! What God has for you is worth the FIGHT to keep going in spite of disappointments from people! #God will turn a painful experience into a praiseful experience…JUST DON’T GIVE UP! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Night Time Devotion for October 26, 2018

Alcohol will not free or numb you from the pain you’re in now. God loves you enough to reach you right where you are as you read this post! No problem too painful that God can’t make you PAIN-FREE! Release it ALL to God & He WILL RELEASE you from it! #Dear Heavenly Father! Bring Deliverance, Heal & Wholeness to your child! May you line up their lives to your Word, In the Name of Jesus! Thank you for fixing everything! And it is DONE!! In Jesus’ Name… Amen! Be blessed & Goodnight! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 26, 2018

Regardless of how things look, what did God say? You may physically see things that does not appear like what God said. Those are the times when you have to ask God to bring back to your remembrance of what He told you & look at it within the spirit. Sure, the devil (& even some people) will try to talk you out of it or make you think that you’re crazy for believing that God can still move (in that situation)! God is NOT having that situation in your spirit to torture you. He’s reminding you that He is STILL able, BUT.. DO YOU BELIEVE HE CAN? The next question is… DO YOU WANT HIM TOO DO IT? Know matter what, HOLD ON to that WORD God gave you! Don’t let NOTHING (or NOBODY) separate you from the love of God or THAT WORD that God gave you! Remember, no matter how long or tough it’s been, He’s STILL (more than) able! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater