Successful people not only has a goal but their attitude & behavior display that goals. As Christians, we look forward to our eternal home in Heaven, but are we displaying Heavenly attitudes & behaviors? Let us represent our Heavenly Father to a world that so desperately needs to know Him! #Live like where you’re going! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 12, 2018
The flexing of your muscles only happen after the stretching of your FAITH! New weights (storms) will produce new growth so, DON’T GIVE UP! As much as your muscles may hurt or stretch, God will NOT allow your muscles to break! Training day is ALMOST over! Very soon, you will be on stage & the spotlight will shine your BIG muscles!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 11, 2018
As much as we are called United States, we are so much of a Divided State. We’re Divided within our government, churches, homes & amongst ourselves! The land of the free has become the land of the GREED! Where is the love for others? Where is the love for God? Let’s come together in our relationship with God & our relationship with each other! Let’s truly be One Nation under God! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 10, 2018
Sex is a GIFT created by God for married couples (male with female). Don’t let anyone talk you into sex before time. Remember, if they don’t respect the gift (sex from God), they won’t RESPECT you as a GIFT (from God). Keep your package wrapped until they answer I DO!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 9, 2018
The problems you won’t give to God could be the tools satan uses to make you self destruct (with stress, worrying, fear, etc). Why leave your problems (& other people’s problems) in your own hands when you can’t fix them? Free your hands & mind by giving it ALL to God! #U-haul it ALL to God & STOP being Public Storage! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 8, 2018
Fear will tell you NOT to go, but FAITH will tell you WHY to go, WHEN to go & HOW you’re going to get there! Fear wants to depreciate your ideas, overwhelm your thoughts with negativity (failures, insecurities, lack of experience/ resources, etc) & make you give up! Listen! Your purpose is grabbing at you to connect with your FAITH throughout the day. Everywhere you go (even in your sleep), God is sending you a REMINDER that your life ain’t over & your purpose STILL has a pulse! If you want to know why your soul (that “GUT FEELING”) is restless or bothering you? Because it’s telling you that you CAN’T QUIT! Don’t walk away from your purpose when your purpose is calling for you. Consult God in everything! Keep moving forward into your purpose (calling), then you’ll realize that you feared for nothing. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 7, 2018
Peter was 1 of the inner disciples who walked SIDE BY SIDE with Jesus, YET… He denied Jesus. Judas was another disciple who walked SIDE BY SIDE with Jesus, YET… He betrayed Jesus. If those things happened to them who was SIDE BY SIDE & FACE TO FACE with Jesus, who are we to gossip or put down others? If someone falls, instead of talking about them, how about we (especially those who SUPPOSE to be spiritually mature) pray & restore them. In this hour when the unsaved are talking about & persecuting Christians, let’s not being like them (especially to our own). There are people who are hurting, looking for help, but they see us gossiping, telling other people’s business, etc & we discourage the hurting from know who Christ REALLY is! Represent the love of Jesus without opinions! Let’s pray, build up our brothers & sisters & be about our Father’s business! #The devil will try anybody! #It could have been you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 6, 2018
If God created a shell to protect a pecan, imagine the protection He created for your heart! Don’t give ANYBODY access to your heart that God didn’t authorize! God will reveal a person’s TRUE character when you ask Him & WAIT FOR HIS RESPONSE! Don’t let EVERYBODY know what kind of nut you are. Keep them guessing with your shell! #Your heart AIN’T for the PUBLIC! #Be aware of the Nutcrackers! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater