Everyone you meet (or know) does NOT have the rights to be your friend (or in your heart)! You allow people to hurt you or break your trust when you choose them to come into your heart & they have NOT PROVEN themselves. See, just because you’re an honest & trusting person, you can’t ASSUME or HOPE that everybody is JUST LIKE YOU! Even when you’re honest with them, that does NOT mean that they won’t hurt you or that they will be honest with you! People with bad motives will play upon a kind person’s heart (or mind). They will call you a friend so they can make you feel guilty or pressured to accept them into your friendship. Don’t accept it! Ask God to help you to discern a person’s character & stop making permanent people out of temporary people! When you take inventory of the people in your life, learn to say NO & stand your ground, you’ll be more respected & your stress level will decrease! Start now!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 20, 2018
Some of life’s questions NEVER get answered because you won’t go to the ONE who gave you life! God knows you & your plans BETTER than you! So stop being confused & go to God!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 19, 2018
Distractions will come when you’re so close to your blessings (or purpose)! If the devil can’t stop you with people far from you, he’ll use people close to you to try to stop you (friends, family, etc). Stay focused on what’s important & leave the foolishness for those who entertain it & want to stay where they’re at! #Too Busy For Foolishness or Fools!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 18, 2018
In the rough times in my life, it taught me how to pray! When people attacked me, it taught me who to pray for! When my problems came like a huge flood, when it was soo much on me & they came back to back to back, God’s power & strength was revealed to give me shelter while He fought every battle that came my way! No matter what (or who) came against me, it taught me to give EVERYTHING over to God! I want to encourage you.. When life’s difficulties come your way, when those you least expect abandon you, when it seems like NOBODY cares, know that God is RIGHT THERE! He’s not just there, but He’s there to DEFEND you & DEFEAT every one of your problems! Know that what the devil meant for evil (to destroy you), God will use it to EMPOWER you (Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally, even Financially)! Ask God to help you to focus on the ending result of everything & watch you be stronger & wiser BEFORE every is over!! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 17, 2018
Don’t allow the move of God cause you to move from God! Know that God can & wants to bless you! Don’t violate God’s trust in you by making something or someone a HIGHER priority than your relationship with the Heavenly Father! Remember! Worship the Creator, not the created! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 16, 2018
God will not send you on a journey without His JOURNAL! Allow His Word will guide you to the place He has for you!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 15, 2018
MEN! If you want a wife, go to God but if you want a punching bag, go to ACADEMY SPORTS. You can’t make your wife (or girlfriend) a punching bag. Men were built to PROTECT & DEFEND our women from FEAR, NOT lead them to fear! Regardless if it’s physical, mental or emotional, REAL MEN DON’T ABUSE OR PLAY GAMES! If your daughter married a man like you & he treated her EXACTLY how you treat women, what would you do? You MUST know that we influence our children’s identity & value about themselves (& others)! It’s sad that the behavior of a few weak boys ruin the image of ALL MALE! Regardless of the behavior or attitude that was from your father, grandfather or forefathers, IT’S TIME to pattern ourselves after our Heavenly Father! God wants to heal us from our hurts, brokenness & teach us how to be Real Men! Let’s take our families, apologize to them, show our sons how to be men, teach our daughters what TRUE love looks like & lead them in the way of God– with our WORDS & LIFESTYLE! It ain’t too late to be A MAN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 14, 2018
Jeremiah 29:11(NKJV)
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. So why are you stressing or worrying about what to do, when God ALREADY knows? Stop wasting time & go to God!#Simple Yet Very DEEP!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater