Day: September 24, 2018

Daily Devotion for September 24, 2018

Did you know that the FDA allows cornmeal to have an average of 1 or 2 droppings of RAT POOP per 25 grams? YUCK! The FDA feels that the RAT POOP is an acceptable amount to eat with the cornmeal without making you sick. The question is (Drumroll please)…. WOULD YOU EAT IT? Anything you eat should not contain or be mixed with waste or poison. Even a small amount of it will contaminate your food. In life, you may go to God with your prayers, but does it contain fear or doubt? Fear & doubt reveals a lack of TRUST in God or His abilities. Allow your Faith muscles to grow by TRUSTING God (WHOLEHEARTEDLY) in that area you’re doubting or afraid to give to Him. If you don’t want poop in your food, don’t put poop in your prayers! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater