Day: September 21, 2018

Daily Devotion for September 21, 2018

Everyone you meet (or know) does NOT have the rights to be your friend (or in your heart)! You allow people to hurt you or break your trust when you choose them to come into your heart & they have NOT PROVEN themselves. See, just because you’re an honest & trusting person, you can’t ASSUME or HOPE that everybody is JUST LIKE YOU! Even when you’re honest with them, that does NOT mean that they won’t hurt you or that they will be honest with you! People with bad motives will play upon a kind person’s heart (or mind). They will call you a friend so they can make you feel guilty or pressured to accept them into your friendship. Don’t accept it! Ask God to help you to discern a person’s character & stop making permanent people out of temporary people! When you take inventory of the people in your life, learn to say NO & stand your ground, you’ll be more respected & your stress level will decrease! Start now!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater