Day: September 7, 2018

Daily Devotion for September 7, 2018

Peter was 1 of the inner disciples who walked SIDE BY SIDE with Jesus, YET… He denied Jesus. Judas was another disciple who walked SIDE BY SIDE with Jesus, YET… He betrayed Jesus. If those things happened to them who was SIDE BY SIDE & FACE TO FACE with Jesus, who are we to gossip or put down others? If someone falls, instead of talking about them, how about we (especially those who SUPPOSE to be spiritually mature) pray & restore them. In this hour when the unsaved are talking about & persecuting Christians, let’s not being like them (especially to our own). There are people who are hurting, looking for help, but they see us gossiping, telling other people’s business, etc & we discourage the hurting from know who Christ REALLY is! Represent the love of Jesus without opinions! Let’s pray, build up our brothers & sisters & be about our Father’s business! #The devil will try anybody! #It could have been you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater