David faced the giant Goliath. Not only David refused to let the giant intimidate him, but David told the giant that he was going to kill him & cut his head OFF! In the end, David killed Goliath & used Goliath’s own sword to cut his head OFF (Just like he said)! In life, there are giants called FEAR that may try to bully you, control you or kill you. Know that FEAR is an OUTSIDE force that may have came in from a bad past experience(s), the uncertainties of the future or the realities of the NOW! No matter how or when it came, YOU WILL DEFEAT FEAR! David’s upbringing as a shepherd boy ultimately prepared him to face & kill the giant Goliath. LISTEN! God had ALREADY prepared you for your giants! Do like David & SPEAK to that giant (fear) & YOU TELL IT that YOU are going to KILL IT! Remember! In order to cut the head of a giant, you got to take your stands on your knees! #Born to be the Giant’s Killer! GO! In the Name of Jesus!
Be blessed #brotherprater
Brother Prater