Don’t be afraid to go to God! He already knows your story! Now it’s time to know His! #Forgiveness & Salvation is Available for You! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 29, 2018
Regardless of what you’ve been through, God will use that painful experience to empower you for Himself, others & YOURSELF! The devil appointed you for the pain but God ANOINTED you THROUGH THE PAIN! You will NOT look like what you’ve been through! I speak the strength & peace of God for & in your life! In Jesus’ Name.. AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 28, 2018
Have you ever dealt with an arrogant manipulative person? They try to bully you, threaten you, even get into your head to “try to” control you. They are very mentally &/or physically abusive. Manipulative people try to play tough but actually they are weak, powerless, cowards who always hiding. They try to make you think that they are far superior than you & will try to break your will. WELL? Think about this… If God doesn’t make you service Him against your will but “they” try to make you serve them against your will, that means that they are trying to be greater than Almighty God! Listen! God gave you your value & worth that NO ONE can take or change. His love for you will heal any damages that other people caused in your life! Regardless if you were married to them, dated them, work with them or related to them… Forgive them (but that doesn’t mean trust them)! Hold on to who God said you are. Look into the mirror & appreciate who you are in the eyes of God!
#Game Over for People’s Childlish Games!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 27, 2018
The 1st time I went to Jiffy Lube to get my oil changed, they parked my car into the garage & told me to wait in the waiting area. As I looked through the window, I saw my car just sitting there. No one ever went to my car. As I was about to ask someone how much longer I would have to wait until someone start working on my car, the head mechanic walked up to me & say, “My car is fixed & ready to go!” I told him that no one was near my car to fix it. He told me that the old mechanic shops lift cars up to work on cars, but their shop has an underground access for the workers to go underneath the cars to change the oil. In life, you may have problems in your life that you prayed to God about & it seems like He ain’t doing nothing about it or He doesn’t care, know that God is working on it! Listen! You may be expecting God to fix it one way, while God is using a different method you’d never seen or though of. Just because you don’t see change doesn’t mean He ain’t working behind the scene or from underneath. Don’t ever think that your time waiting is time wasted! Remember, His ways are not your ways & His thoughts are not your thoughts. So stay in the waiting room until God tells you, “Your problem is fix & you’re ready to go!” Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 26, 2018
Don’t be surprised when you make up your mind to do what God has for you to do, the devil or people will cause you problems, people leave you, or everything that could go wrong DOES GO WRONG! Know that God will NOT give you a task that He had not ALREADY equipped VICTORY for you! I’m not just talking about the task being victorious, I’m saying YOU BEING VICTORIOUS! So, STOP thinking about giving up because the devil or people acting a fool! FIGHT BACK & DON’T STOP UNTIL IT’S FINISHED! #It’s in God’s Hands, not Yours!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 25, 2018
Watch those who gives you INPUT only to share with others your OUTPUT! Ask God to help you to Be prayerful & discern who is for you & accept when someone is secretly against you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 24, 2018
Did you know that the FDA allows cornmeal to have an average of 1 or 2 droppings of RAT POOP per 25 grams? YUCK! The FDA feels that the RAT POOP is an acceptable amount to eat with the cornmeal without making you sick. The question is (Drumroll please)…. WOULD YOU EAT IT? Anything you eat should not contain or be mixed with waste or poison. Even a small amount of it will contaminate your food. In life, you may go to God with your prayers, but does it contain fear or doubt? Fear & doubt reveals a lack of TRUST in God or His abilities. Allow your Faith muscles to grow by TRUSTING God (WHOLEHEARTEDLY) in that area you’re doubting or afraid to give to Him. If you don’t want poop in your food, don’t put poop in your prayers! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 23, 2018
Let your praise reflect where you’re going, not where you’re at (or what you’d been through)! Praise God like never before! It’s ALREADY done in heaven & your praise (worship) will manifest it here on earth!! #Give God the ULTIMATE Praise! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for September 22, 2018
Men! We MUST do BETTER in COMMUNICATION! I know you’re told that you got to be hard, can’t cry, keep your feelings to yourself, but it’s making us stressed, in bad health & unable to express ourselves (in a health way). When we are hurt or shut down, the image that is shown is: We become angry, cussing, going to a bar/ strip club, cheating on spouse or fighting. The major target that our behavior affect is… OUR CHILDREN! Our lack of communication (or expressing ourselves) prevents our children from bonding with us, not knowing their roots or knowing their identity & self worth. I know people pressure us men to STAND UP & BE A MAN. But how they expect someone to be a man when some males never been taught HOW to be a MAN? I understand! That’s why we have to 1st admit that we have failed & WE NEED HELP! The ONLY way to get the help we need is through Jesus Christ! He will help us to be the leaders that He called us to be. We will receive the respect we are looking for from society, our spouse, children & ourselves. We will be able to set the model to our sons how to be men & show our daughters how to be treated by a (REAL) man! Regardless of your past, it’s NOT too late to make a change in your life! Learn to FORGIVE (Yourself & others) & start NOW! Do it for yourself, your family, your legacy! #Exhale into the MAN God Made You to BE! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater